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1. roll n. 卷状物; 小圆面包; 摇摆; 摇晃 vt. & vi. (使某物)滚动; 摇晃


1). The slow, steady roll of the ship made us feel sick.船老是晃晃悠悠的, 弄得我们很恶心。

2). Six brown rolls, please. 请给我来六个黑面包。


roll sth up(将某物)卷或绕成球形或圆柱形; 卷起(某物)

roll in 滚滚而来; 大量涌来

[练习] 中译英

1). 仍不断有人提出愿予以帮助。


2). 他总是抽自己卷的烟.


Keys: 1). Offers of help are still rolling in.    

2). He always rolls his own cigarettes.


1. perform v. 执行, 履行; 表演
performance n. 执行, 履行; 表演; 表现, 行为, 成就
performer n. 表演者; 演出者
2. attract v.  吸引; 引起; 激起
attraction  n.  吸引; 引起; 激起
attractive adj.  吸引的
3. devote vt. 付出(时间﹑ 精力等);奉献; 献身于某事物
devotion n. 付出(时间﹑ 精力等);奉献; 献身
devoted adj.热爱的; 非常忠实的; 全心全意的
1)    This is a mother's ________ to her children. (devote)
2)  She is ________ to her children. (devote)
3)   The old man _________ himself to a noble cause. (devote)
4)   His ________ in the test was not good enough.  (perform)   
5)   They are ________ his play/piano concert tonight. (perform)
6)   She felt an immediate _________ to him. (attract)
7)    The dog was __________ by the smell of the meat. (attract)
8)    Your proposal sounds very _________. (attract)
Keys:  1) devotion    2) devoted       3) devoted      4) performance     
5) performing  6) attraction   7) attracted     8) attractive


1. extra / additional
extra   指不包含本身而额外加上去的部分。
additional 指在原有基础上添加上去的。
1). There is an ________ charge for heavy bags.
2). I don’t suppose they wanted any ________ help.
Keys:  1). additional     2). extra
2. instrument / equipment
equipment 指生产、研究所需要的设备、装置;是不可数名词。
1). Our school has been given some new ________.
2). They each play several _________.
Keys:    1). equipment 2). instruments
3. perform / act
perform 侧重表演的能力、技巧或效果;其主语可以是人,也可以为动物。
 act   侧重“扮演、担任”某一角色,侧重于动作,主语通常是人。
1). The monkeys ________ very well at the circus.
2). He acted Deng Xiaoping with deep feeling.
Keys: 1). perform   2). acted
4. come up with/come up/ come up to
come up with意为“想出”“提出”“赶上”。
come up作“(意想不到地)发生”“引起注意”“得到考虑”解。
come up to意为“达到(某水平、标准)”。
1). It’s wonderful for you to _________ such a good idea.
2). I _________ her as she was rounding the corner.
3). His work does not _________ what we expect of him.
Keys: 1). come up with     2). came up with      3). come up to











                  Perseverance Creates Miracles

  His instructor's help and his diligence made Scoresby, a stupid military man, did better than others in the history examination and even won the first prize in the maths examination.

  This story reminds me of a similar experience of my seatmate. He was really a basketball fan. So you can imagine how angry and disappointed his parents were every time the result of an exam came out!  He had been the last in the list of the whole grade!  Everybody around my seatmate believed him hopeless. However, when he became a student of Senior Three, for some reason, he began to study very hard, or rather, all day and all night. Despite the fact that he was quite often laughed at and looked down upon, he kept on studying. To everybody's surprise, he was finally admitted into a famous university in Guangdong Province.

  In fact, nothing is impossible and perseverance creates miracles。

Unit 5  Music



1. extra / additional
2. instrument / equipment
3. perform / act
4. come up with /come up/ come up to
1. perform v. 执行, 履行; 表演
performance n. 执行, 履行; 表演; 表现, 行为, 成就
performer n. 表演者; 演出者
2. attract v.  吸引; 引起; 激起
attraction  n.  吸引; 引起; 激起
attractive adj.  吸引的
3. devote vt. 付出(时间﹑ 精力等);奉献; 献身于某事物
devotion n. 付出(时间﹑ 精力等);奉献; 献身
devoted adj.热爱的; 非常忠实的; 全心全意的
1. roll n. 卷状物; 小圆面包; 摇摆; 摇晃 vt. & vi. (使某物)滚动; 摇晃
2. attach  vt. & vi. 系上; 缚上;附加;连接
3. form vt. 形成﹑ 构成﹑ 组成
4. reply vt. 指望或依赖某人[某事物]
5. brief adj. 简短的; 简洁的n. 摘要;任务简介
8.    dream of梦想
9.    break up分裂;解体;打碎;结束
10.  sort out 分类
1. Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends.
2. However,after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work,the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band.


45. A。  推理判断题。根据Luckily, however, despite the poor living conditions even to this day, Native Americans have managed in many cases to keep much of their culture and identity.可以推断A正确。


44. C。  推理判断题。最后一段说政府制定了政策来同化北美当地居民,所以应该选择C。


43. A。  推理判断题。从本段的文字“However, it wasn’t a conflict that destroyed independent Native American culture; it was the great number of white settlers that took over Native American lands, and the ways in which these settlers transformed the West.”也可以看出美国印第安文化并没有被摧毁,只能在某些程度上被削弱了。


42. D。  推理判断题。根据文章第二段的描述美国当地居民在白人对当地居民进行文化同化中损失最大。


41. C。  作者态度题。文章的意旨是介绍西进运动中北美当地居民的文化的丧失,所以应该选择C。

