0  343289  343297  343303  343307  343313  343315  343319  343325  343327  343333  343339  343343  343345  343349  343355  343357  343363  343367  343369  343373  343375  343379  343381  343383  343384  343385  343387  343388  343389  343391  343393  343397  343399  343403  343405  343409  343415  343417  343423  343427  343429  343433  343439  343445  343447  343453  343457  343459  343465  343469  343475  343483  447090 

28.-Surely you can turn to David for help.

   -__________He is the last one you can depend on.

   A.I couldn’t agree more.       B.Is that right?

   C.Get out of it!            D.It’s up to you.


27.He was________for fifteen days because of drunk driving.

   A.put away    B.put down     C.put off      D.put up


26.-Can you attend the party tomorrow,Tom?

   -I can when my headaehe_________completely.

   A.will have disappeared        B.will disappears

   C.disappeared            D.disappears


25.-Oh,my God! You_______wear slippers to attend the meeting.

   -I’m sorry I forgot there is a meeting.

   A.must     B.should      C.can       D.shall


24.The animals that are having winter sleep look_________dead.You can’t wake them up by touching.

   A.as far as    B.as good as     C.as well as    D.as soon as


23.I was going to offer you some cake but there’s________left.  

   A.none     B.nothing      C.no one      D.no


22.Madam,could you be kind enough to show me__________book which contains _________ ABC of computer,please?

   A.the;不填   B.the;a      C.不填;不填    D.a;the


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.-Michael was late for Mr.smith’s spoken-Chinese class this morning.

-___________?As far as I know,he never came late to class.

   A.How long   B.So what     C.Oh,really    D.What for

