0  343362  343370  343376  343380  343386  343388  343392  343398  343400  343406  343412  343416  343418  343422  343428  343430  343436  343440  343442  343446  343448  343452  343454  343456  343457  343458  343460  343461  343462  343464  343466  343470  343472  343476  343478  343482  343488  343490  343496  343500  343502  343506  343512  343518  343520  343526  343530  343532  343538  343542  343548  343556  447090 

39. lower  放下,放低  lower our expenses  减低开支 lower the quality of life 降低生活质量

          lower one’s voices 


38. be in low /high spirits


37. find the car lost/missing/gone


36. loss  损失  at a loss of 以…损失   at a loss 茫然不知所措  I am at a loss for words.

  cause heavy losses  造成巨大损失   share a loss with sb 与…分担损失


35. lose a game , lose one’s job  ,   lose heart 丧失勇气    lose face 丢脸  

lose one's temper 发火   lose one's way 迷路 = be lost  be lost in thought   陷于沉思中 


34. look  脸色;表情  have a look at 看…一眼   take on a new look 呈现新面貌 

the look on his face. 脸上的表情  Don't judge a person by his looks.不能以貌取人。   

wear a puzzled look 带迷惑表情   be in good looks 气色很好

   看;好像;显得  look ill/tired  look around/round 东张西望   look after = take care of

   look at   look back 回头看 look back into history  look down on/upon 看不起

look for 寻找   look forward to   look into 深入调查   look like 看上去像   

look on ... as 把…当…看待   look out 当心    look through 浏览 

look to 注意;管住;依赖   look to sb for sth = ~ to sb to do 指望…去做…      

look up 查找    look as if 似乎…好像    look over 察看


33. long  渴望,   long to do    long for    as long as = so long as 

长的.  no longer = not any longer   before long = soon   It won't be long before….


32. logical  符合逻辑的


31. locate  确定…的地点   Can you locate our city on the map ? 

   坐落于  be located  = be situated   My house is located by the river.


30. load  装  load the gun 装弹   load a camera 装胶卷    download 下载

