0  343506  343514  343520  343524  343530  343532  343536  343542  343544  343550  343556  343560  343562  343566  343572  343574  343580  343584  343586  343590  343592  343596  343598  343600  343601  343602  343604  343605  343606  343608  343610  343614  343616  343620  343622  343626  343632  343634  343640  343644  343646  343650  343656  343662  343664  343670  343674  343676  343682  343686  343692  343700  447090 

14.---Now more and more Chinese senior students are applying for admission to American universities through SAT.

    ---________.But taking an SAT may cost one more than 10,000 yuan.

  A.I hope so                      B.Not really  

  C.That’s the case                   D.That sounds reasonable


13.--- How do you like your college life?

   ---Terrible.Not only ____less spare time, but ____myself even busier than before.

    A.do I enjoy; do I find            B.I enjoy; I find

    C.do I enjoy; I find              D.I enjoy; do I find


12.He apologized for his mistake, saying that he ___________no offence.

   A.supposed       B.intended       C.considered      D.pretended


11.Scientists generally agree that Earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years  _________ it has warmed in the 20 000 years since Ice Age.

  A.as long as     B.as much as     C.as soon as       D.as well as


10.Was it in the beautiful park _________was located by the sea ______you first met your new English teacher? 

   A.where; that     B.which; which   C.that; that       D.which; where


9.---Mary 1ooks down today.What is up?

   ---Well,_________happened between Mary and me is none of your business.

     A.wherever       B.whoever      C.whatever      D.no matter what


7.The boss ____department his brother worked called at the hospital yesterday afternoon, for his brother was injured.

  A.in which       B.whose         C.which         D.in whose

8 To help myself get to sleep, I have tried several ways but it seems that _______works.

A.nothing        B.none      C.neither      D.all


6.Brussels, the capital city of Belgium, is _____home to the European Union, _____ organization of European nations.

  A.the; an        B.a’ an         C.\; an         D.\ ;the



    A.write          B.whisper        C.wheel          D.wheat

第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项



    A.celebrate       B.operate         C.candle         D.average

