0  343630  343638  343644  343648  343654  343656  343660  343666  343668  343674  343680  343684  343686  343690  343696  343698  343704  343708  343710  343714  343716  343720  343722  343724  343725  343726  343728  343729  343730  343732  343734  343738  343740  343744  343746  343750  343756  343758  343764  343768  343770  343774  343780  343786  343788  343794  343798  343800  343806  343810  343816  343824  447090 

19. __________ a chance, we will visit Edinburgh a second time.

A. To be given     B. Given    C. Giving         D. Having given


18. - Hi, Kathy. We’re going to have a party this Saturday. Will you come?

- __________. What time?

A. I suppose so    B. I’d love to  C. I think so    D. I like it


17. It’s said ______ ______ was everything _______ Mr. Professor could tell us.

  A. that; what; all           B. what; that; that 

C. that; that; that           D. what; that; what 


16. I returned home with some roses and only then __________ find my favorite vase missing.

A. I did             B. did I         C. do I           D. I do


15. She was lifting handfuls of fine sand and letting it pour __________ her fingers.

A. across            B. in           C. through        D. into


14. - Excuse me. Do you happen to have change for a 50-pence piece?

- __________. I’ve just used up all my coins.

A. I don’t believe so               B. I can’t agree more

C. I’d rather not                      D. I’m afraid not


13. With examinations coming immediately, you ________ the Internet last night.

A. mustn’t surf            B. shouldn’t surf 

C. couldn’t have surfed         D. shouldn’t have surfed


12. -- Why didn’t you come to see the film with your parents last weekend?

-- I _____ my lessons for the month- exam.

  A. was preparing   B. prepare     C. prepared   D. have prepared 


11. We are living in ______ world of developing, ______ world where any problem

  can be solved in a peaceful way.

  A. the; a       B. a; the     C. the; the   D. a; a 


第二节 情景对话 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


Rose is at the library counter. She is talking to the librarian.

Rose:    Hello, I borrowed five books about a month ago.     6   

Librarian:    Let me check for you.

Rose:         7   

Librarian:    You’re lucky, they are due today.

Rose:    Can I renew them?

Librarian:    You can only renew some of them.

Rose:        8   

Librarian:    Two of the books are hot ones that many students have reserved (预定).

Rose:    I have to return two of them and renew the rest three. Right?

Librarian:    Right.

Rose:    Can I borrow these two again?

Librarian:        9     But you have to wait for a few months.

Rose:        10   

Librarian:    You have to reserve them and wait for your turn.

Rose:    Oh, I see. I might as well return them now.

A. I hope so.

B. Thank you.

C. Yes, of course.

D. Why a few months?

E. Why can’t I renew all of them?

F. I wonder whether they are due or not.

G. I wonder whether I can renew all of them.

第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)


