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2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是(3分)(  )

A.端详   急躁    安帮定国     望文生意

B.告磬   雾霭    三番五次     树之高阁    

C.寒暄   璀灿    不情之请     谈笑风声    

D.嗔怪   料峭    皇天后土     锄强扶弱


1.下列加点字的拼音正确的一项(3分)(  )

A.跷(qī)   大 (nuò)   狡(jié)   然心动(pēng)

B.愧(zuò)   拜 (yè)    轮(bù)    强人意(chā)

C.怨 (mán)  仓(jí)    古(gèn)   安土迁(chóng)

D.荷(bó)   尘(xiān)   鼓(jié)   长歌哭(dāng)


35. The advantage of getting up early is ______we get up early, we will have the opportunity of enjoying the fresh air and calmness of the morning, but not everybody think____ a regrettable thing

A. when, that   B. that if , it   C. whether, that    D.  that, if  

