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1.下列有关生命特征的叙述,不正确的是                                 (   )















Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to


Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to the issue of protecting intellectual property.

Piracy equals theft. Copying others' ideas, designs, inventions or trademarks deeply hurts the initiators' feelings. They are discouraged from offering up more fantastic things or fabulous ideas, which are supposed to make our world more colorful and our life more comfortable and convenient. Piracy robs us of modern civilization. Thus, it is our duty to say no to piracy.

One of the best ways to discourage piracy is to offer a diverse range of legal and affordable alternatives. If I can get a perfect song disc at 5 RMB, why do I bother buying a pirated one at 4.5 RMB? On top of this, the government must pass effective laws to punish the pirates in order to protect others' intellectual property. By making efforts, we can further the fight against piracy.

Passage 24


观察下面图画,请用英语就甲流病毒(H1N1 viruses)传播的方式,发病的症状(symptoms)写一篇短文,并提出相关的预防措施(比如注射疫苗vaccine和三点日常健康卫生行为习惯)。字数120-150。



H1N1 viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza.Sometimes people may become infected by touching something - such as a surface or object- with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.

The symptoms of H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache and some other symptoms similar to seasonal flu.Severe illnesses and deaths have occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus.

To protect against virus infection, the new H1N1 vaccine is the first and most important step to take.There are also everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause illnesses like the flu.

·Wash your hands often with soap and water.If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol - based hand rub.

·Try to avoid close contact with sick people.

·Exercise more and keep healthy.









When people's life is getting better and better, more and more people choose to spend their holidays abroad.The year 2009 has seen a sharp increase in the number of travelers overseas compared with the year 2004, when the number was already more than double that of the year 1999 It's a good thing that our tourism has been developing so fast thanks to the development of our economy.However, some Chinese spit and litter everywhere, paying no attention to the environment!

Personally, the poor behavior has done great harm to the image of China, which is really shameful.China has long been regarded as a country with good manners.Everybody should keep some do's and don'ts in their mind to guide their behavior in public, home and abroad.Win respect for yourself and our country!

Passage 19


作为社区的志愿者,你与你同班的几名同学每隔一周的星期六到学校附近的社会救济站,为暂时无法回家的老人和儿童做一些力所能及的事。请根据提示及下面图画的内容为学校的壁报写一篇报道。  注意:词数不少于60;  参考词汇:社会救济站 drop-in centre      [参考范文]

As volunteers in the neighborhood, my classmates and I visit a nearby drop-in centre every other Saturday afternoon. We usually get there at 2:00 pm and leave two hours later.  At the drop-in center we visit those who have to stay there for some reason. Some of us chat with the old or read newspapers for them to help relief their loneliness. Some play games with the children to make them happy and forget their troubles. A few of us help to do some cleaning and collect waste there to make everything tidy.  During our stay there, each of us does his best to let them know they are taken good care of by society, and we hope they will return home happily as soon as possible. Passage20


请根据下面提,写一篇短文。词数不少于50字。  Your English teacher shows the picture below and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates have different understandings. Look at the picture carefully and tell the class how YOU understand it.      [参考范文]

As we can see in the picture, a student, Xiao Ming stands at a table staring at a birdcage with a cat in it. He looks puzzled. How can the cat be kept in the birdcage when it should feel free to play inside or outside the house? It is certainly feeling uneasy, unhappy and uncomfortable. Its owner should have thought about its nature --- it loves freedom.  The picture attempts to convey a message that whether children or small animals, they should have their own place suited to their nature. Unnecessary limitation should be removed. Only in this way can they have healthy development both physically and mentally.

Passage 21



注意:词数不少于120。         提示词:联欢get-together

Dear David,

I am writing to share the great happiness of taking part in the performance in celebration of the 60th national anniversary.____________________________________________ ______


I will enclose some pictures taken that evening.

  Wish you all the best!


Li hua


Dear David,

I am writing to share the great happiness of taking part in the performance in celebration of the 60th national anniversary.

Dancing is my hobby and therefore, when I heard there would be a get-together to celebrate the 60th National Day on the evening of October 1st, I signed up for the performance. Luckily, I became a member of the dance group.

During the summer vacation, I practiced hard with others regardless of the hot weather. After the new school term began, I carried on with the practice while I was working hard at my studies. And finally, the great day came. In the evening, thousands of people gathered in the splendid Tiananmen Square. With the bright lights shining around, we were dancing to the pleasant music happily and joyfully. Beautiful fireworks in the clear night sky added to my excitement. It was really an unforgettable experience.

I will enclose some pictures taken that evening.

Wish you all the best!


 Li  Hua

Passage 22


Directions: Write an English compostion in about 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

某中学生英文报举办故事大赛,请根据下列五幅图画提供的信息,以Zhang Ping’s choice 为题,写一篇故事,讲述张平的经历。        






Zhang Ping’s Choice

My neighbor, named Zhang Ping is upset these days, because he hasn’t found a job yet since he guduated from school. While in school , he was advised to learn computer , but he was unwilling to learn it, saying it is difficult. He always slept in English classes as he thought it hard to remember English words. Also, he refused to study science and technology, because he considered it was too difficult to understand. He only enjoyed watching TV, playing cards, smoking and so on, which he found interesting an easy. He happily spent a lot time in doing these. However, when he is seeking a position on the job market, he finds that only people with a good knowledge of computer, English and science technology are needed. He regrets the time he wasted.

Passage 23















The Hope Project

Education plays an important part in the modernization of our country. Without improving education, china will not be able to develop fast or can not catch up with the developed countries technologically and economically.

However, in the west mountainous part of China there are still many school-aged children who can not go to school or study in poor conditions. They need badly help from all China. I think money seems to be the biggest problem. As there are thousands of things to be done in the construction of our country, the government could hardly have enough money to help all those poor children in time. So a nation-wide drive(运动) called the “Hope Project” has been launched to help those children.

The “Hope Project” helps the government a lot financially(财政上). It also brings hope to the children who can not go to school only by depending on their parents. Therefore, I hope that more and more people should join in the “Hope Project” to help the poor children.

Passage 18



Number of people in City X traveling abroad in 1999, 2004 and 2009


