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20. Almost everyone is ________ bringing down the price of housing because it’s too high now.

A. in favor of
B. in charge of
C. in honor of
D. in search of


19. Oh, 七彩教育网! We shouldn’t keep him waiting long, for he is not a person of ________.

A. courage
B. determination
C. patience
D. responsibility


18. His promise ________ he would give away half of the year’s income to the disabled turned out a lie, ________ made the public feel cheated.

A. which; what
B. that; which
C. what; which
D. which; that


17. Only by communicating with each other more frequently ________ clear away the misunderstandings and solve the conflict.

A. they can
B. they will be able to
C. can they
D. will they can


16. Knowing they couldn’t understand what I had said, I gave several examples and ________ I got my idea across.

A. eventually
B. occasionally
C. constantly
D. generally


15. It is said that bad living habits as well as dirty surroundings, stuffy rooms and some other factors ________ the wide spread of H1N1.

A. result from
B. benefit from
C. devote to
D. contribute to


14. He packed his suitcase, ________ the door and rushed downstairs as fast as he could.

A. locking
B. locked 
C. having locked
D. having been locked


13. -I’ll repeat the phone number: 0571-88145412. Can you catch it?


A. Got it
B. Received it
C. Made it
D. Knew it


12. It was ________ of my secretary not to have let others disturb me this morning when I was occupied with my work.

A. generous
B. polite
C. considerate
D. sympathetic

