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2. F 结合下文,应是什么时候可以取衣服。


1. B 本对话应是发生在干洗店的事,应向店主说干什么?


2.  -Can I help you?

-  1   

-Let me see. One lady’s skirt and one man’s overcoat.

-  2   

-Is next Thursday soon enough?

-  3   

-Until 6 : 30 pm, sir.

-  4   

-Here’s your receipt(收据),sir.

-  5   

A.Fine. That leaves me plenty of time to pick them up after work.

B.I want to have these clothes cleaned and pressed.

C.Good. Thank you.

D.How much is it?

E.A piece of cake?

F.When will they be ready?

G.Well. Yes. When does the shop close?



5.C 结合下文,应是自己做饭的话,会节省一点。


4.G 结合下文,应是时间是否充裕。


3.A 结合下文,应是聚会都邀请谁?


2.D 结合上文,由于房子小,所以举办小型的聚会。


1.F 结合上下文,夫妻两人决定举行聚会,征求意见。


1.  -Honey, what would you say if we have a Christmas party at home this year?

-1  . Where could you have it? The house is rather small.

-2  . We could put food on the dining room table.

-  3  .

-Let me see, --- the Turners, the Manders, and a few boys, and some girls from my office. We may have music or ---

-4  .

-That’s plenty of time. We’ll get some invitations ready and sent out soon. We’ll call to get a small Christmas tree ---5  .

-You mean you fix food?

- Well, I can do some easy things. Maybe I can do some shopping --- or, at least, wash dishes.

A.Then who should we invite?

B.You might have brought the presents in advance.

C.And if we should fix food ourselves, it would cost less.

D.We might have a small one.

E.It would be a lot of work to get the house decorated.

F.But I thought you were planning to go to the Turners’.

G.We’ve got only three weeks to go.



13. D  14.C  15.A  16. C  17.B  18. C 19.B  20.B


