0  348225  348233  348239  348243  348249  348251  348255  348261  348263  348269  348275  348279  348281  348285  348291  348293  348299  348303  348305  348309  348311  348315  348317  348319  348320  348321  348323  348324  348325  348327  348329  348333  348335  348339  348341  348345  348351  348353  348359  348363  348365  348369  348375  348381  348383  348389  348393  348395  348401  348405  348411  348419  447090 

14. Students are always interested in finding out _______ they can go with a new teacher.

A. how far      B. how soon       C. how often      D. how long


13. Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s ______ the best jobs are.

A. what         B. where         C. when          D. why


12. Could I speak to__________ is in charge of International Sales ,please?

A.anyone      B.someone      C.whoever       D.nomatter who


11. Information has been put forward ________ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.

A. while       B. that        C. when       D. as


10. What the doctors really doubt is _____________ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.

A. when     B. how        C. whether      D. why


9. It was a matter of ____________ would take the position. 

A. who      B. whoever     C. whom       D. whomever


8. The government has announced that a modern city will be set up in ____is still a wasteland now .

A. what        B. which         C. that         D. where


7. --- The patient looks much better.    is it that has made him     he is today?

--- Perhaps the special medicine and his family’s patient care. 

A.What; that   B.That; that      C.What; what       D.What; whac


6. David Beckham has ___it take to become a professional football player.

A.who            B.what         C.which          D.that


5. __ has been mentioned above, continued chairman after he took a sip of coffee, ____ the project must be carried out before spring flood comes.

A. As; that     B. That; which   C. This; which   D. It; that

