0  348378  348386  348392  348396  348402  348404  348408  348414  348416  348422  348428  348432  348434  348438  348444  348446  348452  348456  348458  348462  348464  348468  348470  348472  348473  348474  348476  348477  348478  348480  348482  348486  348488  348492  348494  348498  348504  348506  348512  348516  348518  348522  348528  348534  348536  348542  348546  348548  348554  348558  348564  348572  447090 

34. China has a population of 1.3 billion, ____ it the largest country in the world by population.

A. making      B. made       . makes         D. to make


33. Most female workers in Beijing suffer from ____ connected to the global financial crisis, according to a recent survey.

A. curiosity  B. eagerness        . thirst           D. anxiety


32. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. ____, neither of them could swim.

A. In fact  B. Luckily       . Naturally  D. Unfortunately


31.-What are on show in the museum?

-Some pictures ____ by middle-school students.

A. taking    B. having been taken   . taken    D. being taken


30. Even if you are an experienced teacher, you sometimes ____ make some mistakes.

A. can         B. must        . should         D. will


29. His parents put a lot of effort into getting him ____ to a key school.

A. accepted  B. received     . announced    D. admitted


28. Some of the students have already learned enough English to ____a conversation with a native English speaker.

A. carry on      B. keep on      . go on          D. hold on


27.-What an amazing story! It’s the most impressive story I’ve ever read.

-But I’m sure it won’t interest ____.

A. somebody    B. everybody       . nobody     D. anybody


26.-Have you read the novel?

-Yes. I ____it three times while I was in university.

A. had read    B. read        . have read      D. was reading


25. What I want to do most is to have____ quite interesting book, and ____ time to enjoy it.

A. a; the  B. the; the          . 不填;the      D. a; 不填

