0  349090  349098  349104  349108  349114  349116  349120  349126  349128  349134  349140  349144  349146  349150  349156  349158  349164  349168  349170  349174  349176  349180  349182  349184  349185  349186  349188  349189  349190  349192  349194  349198  349200  349204  349206  349210  349216  349218  349224  349228  349230  349234  349240  349246  349248  349254  349258  349260  349266  349270  349276  349284  447090 

1.下列词语中加点的字的读音全都正确的一组是(   )

  A.(nǎn)颜   睚(cì)    风流倜(tǎng)

  B.刁(nàn)   攻(jié)    引(háng)高歌

  C.股(hōng)   脖(gěng)   追本(sù)源

  D.(yù)贴    (zàn)越    因(yē)废食


第三节  书面表达(满分30分)  


   1.看起来像真人一样;2.可以帮助做许多事情:做家务、做饭、帮儿子做作业,陪主人外出购物等;3.你的担心:出了毛病不听指令,伤害儿子;4.对未来的展望。   ‘

注意:(1)用第一人称。  (2)字数在120-150之间
































第一节   单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

76.Abraham Lincon a      slavery in the United states.76.     

77.It’s rude to laugh at people with     .(残疾)Rather we should try out best to give them a hand.77.     

78.Her mother usually a     her on the piano.78.     

79.She is not really crying; she is only acting to gain your    (同情).79.     

80.The child was a    by his mother at the age of 5.  80     



  When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him. I would spend the day just __36____, doing nothing and not paying much __37___to all the people around me. One day, as my dad and I were___38___ to the shop, I looked out of the car window and saw an old man on the street corner. Our ___39___ met and held for about ten seconds. There was ___40___ fearful about this man, but it was a significant encounter for me. 41_that point, I had given no _42__to anyone I saw on the street. My life was my family and friends. I had no interest in anyone else.  

  43  for the first time I had an interest in what that person was all about.

    Years later, I had long  44  that man, but he came to my mind recently and I remembered the ten  45  when I looked into the eyes of a stranger and  46  what he was all about.

    It seems that we are all  47  every day. There are so many things to do that we  48  have time for sincere(真诚的)interest in others. Great thinkers._49_us to "stop and smell the roses". But it has taken me decades to really appreciate the __50  of these words. When I had the opportunity to  51  a young person, I did my best

to convey this message. But  52  ,young people were too busy to  53  this advice. I would like to tell young people to stop what they are doing and  54  around.  I want to tell them to try as  55  as they can to understand what is in their view and what is in the range of their hearing.

36, A. sitting around   B. fighting back   C. dropping out    D. moving off

37. A. money      B. interest     C. attention     D. respect

38.A. carrying     B. sticking     C. walking      D. driving

39. A. eyes       B. hands      C. ears       D. feet

40. A. everything    B. nothing     C. something    D. anything

41. A. But for      B. Due to     C. As for      D. Up to

42. A. thought      B. fear      C. greeting      D. glance

43 A. So         B. Instead     C. But        D. And

44. A. remembered    B. forgotten   C. reminded      D. dreamed

45. A. years       B. seconds    C. days        D. minutes

46. A. surprised      B. learned    C. wondered      D. doubted

47. A. busy       B. stupid     C. lazy         D. puzzled

48. A. often       B. rarely     C. even         D. always

49. A. alarm       B. prove      C. force        D. encourage

50. A. influence     B. beauty     C. meaning       D. creativity

51. A. describe to     B. blame on    C. speak to      D. quarrel with

52. A. luckily      B. unfortunately  C. immediately    D. astonishingly

53. A. agree to      B. think highly of  C. look after    D. take notice of

54. A. look       B. hang      C. bring      D. come

55. A. soon       B. hard      C. long       D. far


35. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good ________.

A. to be breathed      B. to breathe

C. breathing        D. being breathed


34. ___________ the project as planned, we will have to work two more hours a day.

A. Completing     B. Complete

C. Completed     D. To complete

