0  349396  349404  349410  349414  349420  349422  349426  349432  349434  349440  349446  349450  349452  349456  349462  349464  349470  349474  349476  349480  349482  349486  349488  349490  349491  349492  349494  349495  349496  349498  349500  349504  349506  349510  349512  349516  349522  349524  349530  349534  349536  349540  349546  349552  349554  349560  349564  349566  349572  349576  349582  349590  447090 

29. It took me quite a long time to ________the new environment here.

  A. adapt to           B. relate to        apply to         D. attach to


28. -I’ll call you at 9 tomorrow morning, OK?

  -You’d better not, I ______ the piano then.

  A. will be practicing               B. am about to practice

 am practicing                 D. practiced


27. Many people expect that credit cards will eventually______ paper money for almost every purchase.

A. trade          B. replace         exchange      D. reduce


26. A person ________ email account is full won’t be able to send or receive any emails.

A. who             B. whom          whose           D. whoever


25. Global warming causes the ocean ________, which in turn speeds ice melting.

  A. to warm       B. warming       warmed         D. warm


24. - I’m leaving now.

  - ________ sure you turn off the switch.

  A. To make       B. Make          Made               D. Making


23. We have a fine      of the lake from our hotel window.

A. scene         B. sight          view           D. scenery


22. It’s well-known that ________ World Exposition in 2010 is quite ________success.

A. 不填; a           B. The; a         The; 不填           D. 不填; the


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. -We’ve missed the train!  

-________, there will be another in ten minutes.

  A. I’m sorry                     B. Excuse me 

   I beg your pardon                 D. Never mind

