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   My swimming experience is extreme interesting.There was       76       

  a time that I swam like a rock.This went on until one day         77.       

  whenl wasfishing with afriend at nearby pond.             78.       

  I fall into it.If my friend had not come to my rescue,          79       

  1 would have drowned.Ever since then.I have come          8 0       

  to know the important of learning to swim I didn’t            81.     

attend to any training class but learned it on my own.Strange         82.        

to say.I have no difficulty swim at all now Though my           83.     

self-invented styles looks awkward(笨拙的),at least they call        84.     

keep my floating.Thinking of this,I am more than satisfied.        85.     


35.一Did you enjoy your stay in our hotel last night?一     ,I had a sound sleep.Thank you

A.Not really      B.Not at all      C.I’m afraid not   D.Yeah.great


34.The heaviest snow continued to fall,      traffic jam

A.caused       B.to cmse      C.causing    D.having caused


32.At the Spring Festivals,the railways put on trains to make people’s travel more convenient.

A.regular       B.special      C particular    D.unusual

33 After   seemed an endless wait.it was his turn to have the interview.

A.what        B.that       C.when     D.which


28.Equipped with modern facilities,today’hospitals are quite different from     of the past

A.that       B.those       C one          D.ones

29 Why not get some work experience first     go straight on to university?

A rather than     B.or rather      C.other than      D more than

30 Memories of her staying with her host family in China often    to the mind of the Italian

exchange student.

A.call up      B.hold back     C.bring up       D.come back

31 Our game of basketball   .We had been playingfor about half an hour when it started to

rain heavily.

A.has interrupted             B.had interrupted

C was intenrrupted             D.had been interrupted

