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第二节 短文改错(共10题,满分15分)

  My English teacher was always too absorbed in the text being 76_____

studied that he never looked up.He had habit of asking a     77_____

student to translate the text,and he often choose the same     78_____

student without realizing them himself.The student, out     79_____

of respect,didn’t point it out.Before being called so many     80_____

times,the student,his name was Jack,had to ask his friends    81_____

for advices. The next day when the teacher asked Jack to     82_____

translate the text,Jack replying, “He is absent today,       83_____

because of he has a sick sister to look after at home.”      84_____

“All right,”said the teacher, “you translate the text.”       85_____



66. The prisoner_____(企图)to escape from the prison,but he failed.    66_____

67. His____(露面)at the party didn’t seem to be very welcome.       67_____

68. These cakes are made of___(面粉)and eggs.             68_____

69 Everything taken into____(考虑), your plan is reasonable.       69_____

70. The postman ought to accomplish the____(投递)of the mails on time.   70____

71. Our teacher____(指令\命令)that we hand in our dictations after class.  71____

72. My birthday falls on_____(十月)eighth,1978.             72____

73. The pretty baby lying in bed is their_____(侄子).           73____

74. Broadly speaking, I would agree with Tom, though not____(完全、全面)74____.

75. Every classroom in this modern school is_____(装备)with a new TV set.75_____


40. A. challenging   B. different        C. dangerous    D. strange

