0  351038  351046  351052  351056  351062  351064  351068  351074  351076  351082  351088  351092  351094  351098  351104  351106  351112  351116  351118  351122  351124  351128  351130  351132  351133  351134  351136  351137  351138  351140  351142  351146  351148  351152  351154  351158  351164  351166  351172  351176  351178  351182  351188  351194  351196  351202  351206  351208  351214  351218  351224  351232  447090 

30.Last Sunday, I went shopping for the perfect dress,     would make me look younger.

    A.one in which   B.the one in which               C.one that  D.the one that


29.---Helen, will you be at the party tonight?

  ---Yes, but I have so much homework to do that I really      .

    A.can’t         B.mustn’t       C.won’t        D.shouldn’t


28.Some people like drinking coffee, for it has     effects.

    A.promoting     B.stimulating     C.enhancing    D.encouraging


27.After the trainer was sure that the whale could look after itself, he    it into the sea.

    A.transported    B.unloaded     C.released      D.handled


26.---English has a large vocabulary, doesn’t it?

   Yes.    more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.

    A.With          B.Knowing      C.To know       D./


25.      seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter universities does exist in other countries as well.

    A.It             B.There         C.What         D.That


24.---Do you know the famous scientist Yuan Longping?

  ---Of course. His name    whenever the matter of hybrid rice(杂交水稻)is discussed.

    A.comes out     B.comes up     C.comes in      D.comes on


23.---Why are you so hot?

  ---I     football with my classmates and how I want to have a drink!

    A.was playing   B.have been playing             C.have played  D.played


22.I’m looking for a     tie to match my suit.

    A.mid-sized red silk                               B.red mid-sized silk  

    C.red silk mid-sized                               D.silk red mid-sized




21.When the spaceship traveled above,     new-looking earth appeared before us,   

earth that we had never seen before.

    A.a; the         B.the; an        C./; the         D.a; an

