0  351059  351067  351073  351077  351083  351085  351089  351095  351097  351103  351109  351113  351115  351119  351125  351127  351133  351137  351139  351143  351145  351149  351151  351153  351154  351155  351157  351158  351159  351161  351163  351167  351169  351173  351175  351179  351185  351187  351193  351197  351199  351203  351209  351215  351217  351223  351227  351229  351235  351239  351245  351253  447090 

33. Never_______ forget the days when _____together with you.              A.shall I; I lived   B. shall I; did I live  C. I shall; I lived   D.I shall; did I


32. The soldier was ____of running away when the enemy attacked.

    A. charged     B. scolded      C. punished     D. accused


31._________ countries and areas have been seriously hit by the typhoon. Now people in the affected

areas are ______food and fresh water.

    A. A number of; lacking in        B. The number of; lacking in

C. A number of; lacking of        D. The number of; lacking of 


30.Wherever he goes ,the young man is able to readily____ himself to new environment.     

A.include  tain   C.accommodate   D.hold


29. We are very annoyed ______ his mistake, because we have emphasized this for several times.   A.at/about   B.with   C.on    D.to                     


28. The environment is getting worse in the present days, so the government must take _______ to stop people _______ too many trees.

    A. methods; to destroy                     B. methods; from destroying

C. measures; from destroying                  D. measures; to destroy        


25. I must go home now, _______ I have many exercises to _______.

A. for; do              B. since; to be done     C. since; doing           D. for; to be done    26.What you are saying is not ____ to the question under discussion.Please think twice before you 

make any suggestions.                                   

A.strange on   C.familiar  D.relevant                     27._____ troubles me most right now is____ I can’t remember where I have put my car keys.    

A.That ;what   B.What;that   C.What;what   D.That;that


23. ---It is high time that we _______ to school.

---If only the alarm clock _______!

    A. should go; rung                        B. shall go; had rung   

C. shall go; rung                        D. should go; had rung           24.With so many evidence against him he had to____ his errors openly.                           

A.refuse  B.acknowlege  C.declare   D.recognize       


22. John and Mary’s room _______ on fire. Many _______ help them put out the fire.

A. are; passer-bys         B. is; passers-by       C. is; passer-bys       D. are; passers-by


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.---It is reported that there is____ big breakthrough in the cancer treatment.                  ---If only my son could be brought back to ____ life!                   A.a; /      B./; a     C.the;the      D.a;the                      

