0  351153  351161  351167  351171  351177  351179  351183  351189  351191  351197  351203  351207  351209  351213  351219  351221  351227  351231  351233  351237  351239  351243  351245  351247  351248  351249  351251  351252  351253  351255  351257  351261  351263  351267  351269  351273  351279  351281  351287  351291  351293  351297  351303  351309  351311  351317  351321  351323  351329  351333  351339  351347  447090 

31.Tom still thinks that The Hurt Locker is    Avatar

A.as a great as                B.as great film as   

C.as great a film as              D.so great a film as


30.My LED TV cost 12000 yuan,      made my husband unhappy.

   A.what       B.it          C.that         D.which


29.The wise man knows he knows nothing; the fool thinks he knows   

   A.each       B.none       C.all           D.either


28.--The taxi is waiting downstairs, Let's hurry.

  --    I'll take some food with us.

A.Just go ahead.               B.Wait a minute. 

C.That's OK.                  D.Have fun.


27.Miss Li    as a biology teacher for fifteen years in our school, and now she is Party secretary of our city.

   A.works        B.worked      C.had worked   D.has worked


26.The admission price of the exhibition is ten dollars per person.But if we have student cards, we   get in for two.

   A.can        B.should       C.must        D.would


25.The 82nd Oscars Academy Awards,     the best in film for 2009, was held on Sunday, March 7, 2010.

   A.to honor      B.honoring      C.honored                D.having honored


24.--I thought Stephanie and Lee were getting married in June.

  --No, that's    her cousin's wedding is.

   A.where        B.when        C.why         D.how


23.Since its entry into    Chinese market, Google has been enjoying    legal market access and national treatment.

   A.the; a       B.不填;不填     C.a;the      D.the;不填


22.China's housing price has become one of the hottest topics during the Two Sessions,     most ordinary Chinese people find it more and more difficult to buy a flat in cities.

   A.where        B.when       C.as        D.though

