0  351367  351375  351381  351385  351391  351393  351397  351403  351405  351411  351417  351421  351423  351427  351433  351435  351441  351445  351447  351451  351453  351457  351459  351461  351462  351463  351465  351466  351467  351469  351471  351475  351477  351481  351483  351487  351493  351495  351501  351505  351507  351511  351517  351523  351525  351531  351535  351537  351543  351547  351553  351561  447090 

32. It is reported that the United States uses  _____ energy as the whole Europe.

A. as twice more  B. twice more as  C. twice much as  D. twice as much.


31. In peace, too,the Red Cross is expected to send help  _____ there is human suffering.

A. whoever   B. wherever   C. whatever   D. however.


30. Mr. Smith has bought a new house in the country, around _____ some green trees.

A. which is   B. it is   C. which are   D. them are.


29. I’d like to have visited the Palace Museum last week, but something unexpected _____to my father.

A. had happened   B. happened   C. has happened   D. happens.


28. -What are you busy with?

-The conference _____in our city next week, as you know.

A. held   B. will be held   C. be holding   D. to be held.


27. Do you really want to borrow the old room which is empty _____a broken desk and a chair?

A. except  B. except for   C. except that   D. besides.


26. Just because they make more money than I do, _____ they seem to look down on me.

A. so   B. and   C. but   D. 不填.


25. It is going to rain today. Take an umbrella with you to  _____ you from the rain.

A. stop  B. prevent  C. keep  D. protect.


24. My friend, Lucy, can get 200 dollars more than she made _____in the primary school.

A. work  B. to work  C. working  D. worked.


23. _____ is hard is to do good all one’s life and never do anything bad.

A. He  B. It  C. That  D. What.

