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45. “Michelle, I’m very upset about what you said,” Rosie stated firmly. “You didn’t come right out and accuse me of eating all your candy. On the other hand, your remarks about my love of chocolate were made for a reason. You are insinuating that I’m the candy thief!”

What does “insinuate” mean?

a. to keep something hot or cold    b. to suggest without clearly saying c. to do something evil       d. to protect from disease


44. There is a very interesting article about solar storms in the February 14, 2000 issue of Time magazine. It tells about how these disturbances not only affect spacecraft, but can also disrupt terrestrial life. For example, they have even caused automatic garage doors to open in one town.

What does “terrestrial” mean?

a. of or on the planet Earth     b. protective of automotive equipment c. solar             d. in or near a pond


43. Your uncle wouldn’t even part with a dime to help the kids pay for their trip. That’s just one more example of his penurious ways. In contrast, many people who have much less money have donated a great deal to the cause.

What does “penurious” mean?

a. very old   b. very wealthy   c. very humorous   d. very stingy


42. David hoped that nobody would know that he was in the building. Didn’t he realize that parking his new car in the driveway made his presence rather conspicuous?

If something is conspicuous, it is __________.

a. important    b. expensive    c. unfortunate    d. noticeable


41. If you don’t recover quickly from your condition, it could become chronic. Then you might have to take medicine for the rest of your life.

If something is chronic, it __________.

a. is very painful      b. won’t go away c. makes you smell bad   d. isn’t real


40. This is a clandestine operation. It is extremely important that no one discovers what you’re doing!

A clandestine operation is supposed to be __________.

a. dangerous    b. harmful    c. exciting    d. secret


39. I like that store. All the employees strive to make the customers feel right at home.

Which word is a synonym of “strive”?

a. complain    b. try    c. fail    d. clean


38. Connie is never happy when everyone is getting along. She always instigates fights and then acts like little Miss Innocent.

When you instigate something, you __________.

a. check it out    b. protect it    c. get it started    d. ignore it


37. Amy was feeling low. Every business she tried lost money or made only pennies a day. Her newest idea was selling chocolate covered baby shoes. She was convinced that it would be a lucrative business. Her friends tried to warn her that it was not a certain road to riches.

a. tasting great with vanilla ice cream    b. helping young feet to grow correctly c. showing no careful thought      d. bringing in a lot of money, or profit


36. There may be some parts of my plan to arrest the thieves that should be changed. But I feel very strongly that renting the apartment over their headquarters is the linchpin of the scheme. We must do that immediately!

a. part that everything else depends on   b. piece of metal used to connect things c. place where people live        d. a computer designed for police work

