0  351572  351580  351586  351590  351596  351598  351602  351608  351610  351616  351622  351626  351628  351632  351638  351640  351646  351650  351652  351656  351658  351662  351664  351666  351667  351668  351670  351671  351672  351674  351676  351680  351682  351686  351688  351692  351698  351700  351706  351710  351712  351716  351722  351728  351730  351736  351740  351742  351748  351752  351758  351766  447090 

30. I still can’t believe my eyes when I remember the scene     the best player should miss the pass.

A. that              B. which              C. where           D. how


29. – Mum, would you please buy me a MP5 player?

– If you can help do the dishes the whole vacation,you      have one as a reward·

A. must          B. need           C. would           D.shall


28. Time should be made good use of     our lessons well.

A. to learn           B. learning         C. learn               D. learnt  


27. When astronauts return to the earth's atmosphere, helicopters fly to      they would land, ready to collect them.

A. what         B. where              C. which           D. that


26. – Sorry, I can' t return your book today because I am only half way through it.

    . I have plenty of other books to read.

A. Take it easy       B. No wonder        C. Take your time      D. No doubt


25. When my grandpa was young, he had to     several miles a day to school since he had no money to take a bus.

A. cover        B. take       C. get         D. make


24. – Students should devote most of their time to studying rather than playing computer games.

– ­­­    . No pains, no gains.

A. Really         B. Obviously         C. Actually          D. Exactly


23. – How did you spend your national holidays?

– Oh, I     most of my time watching TV, and then I was invited to visit a relative in Qingdao.

A. have spent       B. was spending       C. spent        D. had been spending


22. You can never expect to learn something     you study hard.

A. unless          B. after           C. if              D. when


第一节:单项填空(共l 5小题;每小题1分。满分1 5分)


21. To tell     truth, his coming is really     big surprise to most people present at the party.

A. / ; a      B. the ; /        C. the ; a       D. / ; /

