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2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是                                   (   )

    A.胁肩谄笑    缱绻    剜肉补疮    联袂

    B.屯积居奇    饿莩    独挡一面    神龛

    C.流觞曲水    神祇    犄角之势    宛转

    D.额首称庆    放诞    抢呼欲绝    悚然


1.下列词语中加点的字,读音完全正确的一组是                          (   )

    A.(bié)进    打(yánɡ)      (shū)忽       风声鹤(lì)

    B.迂(nè)     璎(luò)      偏(pí)      如(chuán)大笔

    C.账簿(bù)    便宜(biàn)     差(bó)       恓(xī)惶惶

    D.(ǎo)开     迤(lǐ)       (ɡāi)心       窸窸窣(suō)


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

    根据图画中的内容,以It’s harmful to Civilization为题写一篇词数为100词左右的短文。文章包括以下三个部分: 1)简述图画内容; 2)说明图画所反映的主题;

    3)写出自己的看法。关键词:cheat, quarrel, spit, litter, jump the queue


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


    Unlike many other places, our hometown is also facing            76._____

the problem of pollution.Unfortunately, people here have           77._____

realized the importance of protection the natural environment.       78._____

Factories have been taken measures to stop pouring polluted        79._____

water into the rivers.The citizens not longer put waste, such           80._____

as rubbish or human waste into the rivers.Every year,             81._____

a great number trees are planted.As a result,                  82._____

the water in the rivers are becoming cleaner and cleaner.          83._____

The hills around the city were covered with green trees              84._____

and the air here is much more fresher than before.               85._____

