0  352085  352093  352099  352103  352109  352111  352115  352121  352123  352129  352135  352139  352141  352145  352151  352153  352159  352163  352165  352169  352171  352175  352177  352179  352180  352181  352183  352184  352185  352187  352189  352193  352195  352199  352201  352205  352211  352213  352219  352223  352225  352229  352235  352241  352243  352249  352253  352255  352261  352265  352271  352279  447090 

17.-Do you want me to get you a chair?

    -No,    .

    A.it’s nice of you                   B.I can manage it

    C.don't bother                             D.I am glad to hear that


16.No one really knows exactly dfwhen the first people arrived in    we now know as California

    A.what          B.when      C.where         D.which 


15.I'll bring some medicine just    some of us get sick while travelling.

    A.As if          B.in case     C.even though     D.as long as


14.-Have you found the missing?couple in the mountain ?

    -No, but we   hard to get in touch with them.   

    A. have tried                    B.have been trying 

    C.had tried                    D.had been trying .


13.The average temperature in.Tibet has risen    0.32 degrees centigrade every decade since 1961, according to the China Meteorological Administration,. 

    A.to            B.at             C.by            D.in


12.-On which day shall we go outing in the Qiagling Mountains, Friday, Satutiby or Sunday?

    -   is all right.

    A.Either          B.Both        C.All            D.Any   


11.The survery shows that if people cannot afford     house, they will feel less content about ___life.                                

    A.the; the         B.a; /        C.a; the       D./; the




A: Excuse me, Sir. Are you a guide?

B: Yes, I am.   6 

A: Can I ask you a question about the Famen Temple?

B: Of course. What do you want to know?

A: When was it built?   7   

B: In the third century in Eastern Han Dynasty.It has a history of more than 1,700 years.The Temple is famous in the world for Sheli, fingers;of Buddha which is the holy object of Buddhism.

A: Can you speak more,slowly?  8 

B; I'm sorry! I’ll speak more slowly.Any more questions?   

B: Yes.Well, __9__  

B: The Famen Temple has become the sacred place of Buddhism, so millions.of Buddhista including common people come here to pray for peace and happiness.

A: I see. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

B:   10   Goodbye!

        A: Welcome to the Famen Temple.

B: I’m afraid I can't follow you.

C: And what is it famous for?

D: See you later.

E: Why are there so many people visiting the Temple?

F: Can I help you?

G: Have a good time.






42.地理选考题(请考生在以下A B C 三题中任选一题做答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分.)

  地理选做题A:旅游地理(10分)  读我国境内两名山景观图,完成下列要求: 

  (1)甲乙两幅景观图,表示具有"奇松、怪石、云海、温泉”“四绝”景观的是       图,其山地名称是        ;表示雄伟奇险的名山景观的是       图,其山地名称是         。(4分)

  (2)一般来说,甲、乙两地景观的最适宜观赏季节均在         季。




  (1)根据灾害的类型划分,沙尘暴属于        灾害;空气污染指数超过400,属于        度污染.(轻,中,重) 由文中沙尘暴的路径得知,沙尘暴的影响越        .(4分)


   地理选做题C:环境保护(10分)  低碳,英文为low carbon.意指较低(更低)的温室气体(二氧化碳为主)排放.据此回答下列问题.

  (1)二氧化碳对        辐射是透明的,但能够大量吸收        线,所以过量排放能引起温室效应.(2分)


