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34.    is often the case, he didn’t study hard and failed to pass the test.

    A.What         B.As            C.It            D.Which


33.The number 5.12 is a special number,    I think that will be remembered by the Chinese.

    A.what         B.it             C.which        D.one


32.Tom, who    English for 20 years in English, now has been appointed headmaster of our school.

    A.had taught    B.has taught    C.taught        D.had been teaching


31.---Mrs.Stanley looks charming tonight.

  ---The dark dress    her hidden beauty.

    A.brings out     B.crosses off     C.gives back    D.leaves over


30.If you send the best wishes to your wife on her birthday,    will give her a great surprise.

    A.which I think   B.I think which   C.I think that    D.what I think


29.In the USA, one needs to make a(n)    before seeing a doctor.

    A.choice        B.appointment  C.impression     D.excuse


28.Jack is late again.It is     of him to keep others waiting.

    A.normal        B.ordinary       C.common      D.typical


27.---Where did you find the package?

  ---It was on the beach    we were taking a walk.

    A.where        B.that          C.when         D.which


26.The woman who’s carrying a baby in her arms,    aboard first.Don’t crowd in!

    A.goes          B.went         C.go           D.going


25.---The movie 2012 will be on at 8 pm.What about picking you up at 7?

  ---All right.I will have come back from work by their, and I    you at home.

    A.will be waiting for              B.will wait for

    C.have been waiting for          D.am waiting for

