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32. ________ his arrival, he began to make preparations for the speech of the conference.

A. In          B. With            C. On           D. By 


31. -I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.

 -I think so. He ________ for it for months.

A. is preparing  B. was preparing  C. has been preparing  D. had been preparing


30. The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story.

A. figure out        B. let out       C. leave out       D. pick out


29. -The guard keeps      watch at the gate.

 -So he does. Only those      knows well could be let in.

A. close; who         B. tight; whom        C. tight; that         D. close; he


28. He _______ have escaped, but he chose to stay and fight.

  A. must          B. could          C. will            D. need


27. _______, according to the instructions, the medicine, I think, will work on your headache before long.

  A. Take        B. Being taking    C. Taken         D. Taking


26. Only after spending several nights working on the math problem      to wonder whether the problem was wrongly set.

A. had he begun       B. he began         C. did he begin       D. began he


25. I can’t persuade him out of playing computer games. He is      to them.

A. reminded           B. accustomed       C. addicted          D. stuck


24. ______ by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses.

A. Driven       B. Being driven      C. To drive     D. Having driven


23. It is reported that the floods have left about _________ people homeless.

A. two thousand     B. two-thousands   C. two thousands      D. two thousands of

