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20. -- I’d like to take a month’s holiday. w.w.*w.k.&s.5*

   --___________ . We are too busy.

  A. Don’t worry        B. Forget it

  C. Don’t memtion it      D. Pardon me


19. The flag looks especially beautiful _______________ the blue sky.

  A. against      B. on       C. towards     D. beyond


18. I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than ___________ in the city.

  A. ones     B. one      C. that       D. those


17. _____________ that I couldn’t be absorbed in the work.

  A. They made so many noise   B. So loudly they talked

  C. It was so noise outside     D. Such a loud noise did they make


16. The result of the experiment was very good, ___________ we hadn’t expected.

  A. as      B. that     C. which      D. what


15. -- What can I do for you?

  --I’d like to buy a gift for my mother’s birthday, one at _________ proper price but of ___________ use and it’d better be __________ surprise.

  A. the; /; a     B. the; a ; /     C. a; the; /    D. a; / ; a


14. ___________ healthy, with easy access to affordable medical care, is still a dream for many people with medicine prices ___________ sharply.

  A. Keep; rise        B. Keeping; rising    

 C. To keep; risen       D. Having kept; to rise


13. A foreign language like English is difficult to learn, so you ____________ work too hard.

  A. can’t     B. must     C. shouldn’t   D. ought to


12. Mr. Smith works as a government official now, but he ____________ in a middle school for 5 years.

  A. has worked   B. worked   C. had worked   D. had been working

