第二节 听取信息(共5题,每小题1分,满分5分)
The special thing about
Longjing Tea |
Besides its pleasant smell, it keeps the
(16)_____ of the tea leaves very well. |
Advantages about tea |
1. On hot or warm days, tea helps to dispel (驱散) the heat and brings
on an instant cool with a (17) _____ . 2. The tea leaves contain a number of (18) ____ which are good for people’s health. |
Strong tea |
Constant drinking of overly-strong tea
would (19) _____ people’s health. |
Proper tea time |
It’s fine for most of the day. But don’t
have tea before bedtime, because it will (20) ____ occasional insomnia (失眠). |
第一节 听力理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
听第一段对话,回答第1 - 3题。
1. What is the girl not assigned to do around the house?
A. Clean the bathroom. B. Vacuum the floors. C. Pick up her dirty clothes.
2. What is the father going to do while the girl is doing her household chores?
A. Wash the car. B. Paint the house. C. Work in the yard.
3. Where will the father and the girl go after the housework is done?
A. To a movie. B. To a restaurant. C. To a ball game.
听第二段对话,回答第4 - 6题。
4. Which of the following services is the most expensive?
A. Basic Service. B. Standard Service. C. Digital TV Service.
5. What do we know about the services?
A. The Basic Service that has 76 channels is only $ 40 per month.
B. The Standard Service has over 145 channels except the Disney Channel.
C. They will install a converter (转换器) box for the Digital TV Service.
6. How much should the man pay after signing up the service?
A. $ 40 per month. B. $ 60 per month. C. $ 120 per month.
听第三段独白,回答第7 - 9题。
7. How is the students’ high school life?
A. Controlled and busy. B. Regular and colorful. C. Active and independent.
8. Why do some of the students feel unhappy about their freedom?
A. Because they don’t want to spend all their time on studies.
B. Because they don’t know how to deal with their free time.
C. Because they don’t have choices for outside class activities.
9. According to the speaker, what is the role of outside class activities at university?
A. To make students healthier.
B. To prepare students for their future.
C. To enrich students’ experience
听第四段独白,回答第10 - 12题。
10. Where does the conversation take place?
A. In a hospital. B. At a restaurant. C. On a plane.
11. What do we now about the man?
A. He is not physically healthy.
B. It’s the second time that he has been on a flight.
C. He feels dizzy and weak due to his high blood pressure.
12. What can we learn from the conversation?
A. It’s a long-distance flight to Los Angeles.
B. The man has to use an eye-shade to protect his eyes.
C. Some pills have made the man feel more comfortable.
听第五段独白,回答第13 - 15题。
13. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
A. Your blood can carry bacteria and viruses to white blood cells.
B. Your blood carries food from your stomach.
C. Your blood picks up oxygen in your lungs and carries it to your cells.
14. What is an example of the blood used to show?
A. How a low concentration of white cells reduces the body’s ability to fight infection.
B. How oxygen-carrying red cells rob the body of energy-releasing oxygen.
C. How serious the consequence of imbalance of the blood’s parts is.
15. Why can the doctor not use just anyone’s blood for a patient?
A. Because their blood is harmful.
B. Because their blood can destroy the patient’s blood.
C. Because there are different types of blood.
14.(13分)据有关资料介绍,受控热核聚变反应装置中有极高的温度,因而带电粒子将没有通常意义上的容器可装,托卡马克装置是一种利用磁约束来实现受控核聚变的环形容器, 由磁场将高温、高密等离子体约束在有限的范围内。现按下面的简化条件来讨论这个问题,如图所示,有一个环形区域,其截面内半径为R1=a,外半径为R2=a,环形区域内有垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场,磁感应强度为B0,被磁场围住的中心区域为反应区,反应区内有质量为m,电量为q的带电粒子,若带电粒子由反应区沿各个不同方向射人磁场区域,不计带电粒子重力和在运动过程中的相互作用,则
13.(12分)跳台滑雪是冬季奥运会的比赛项目之一,利用自然山建成的跳台进行,场地由助滑坡、跳台、着陆坡、终止区组成。运动员脚着专用滑雪板,从起滑台起滑,在助滑道下滑加速后起跳,于台端飞出,沿抛物线在空中飞行一段时间后,落在着陆坡上继续滑行,最后停止在终止区。如图为一跳台滑雪场地,助滑坡由AB和BC组成,AB是倾角为37°的斜坡,BC是半径为R=10m的圆弧面,圆弧面和斜面相切于B,与水平面相切于C,如图所示,AB竖直高度差h1=35m,竖直跳台CD高度差为h2=5m,跳台底端与倾角为37°斜坡 DE相连。运动员连同滑雪装备总质量为80kg,从A点由静止滑下,通过C点直接飞到空中,飞行一段时间落到着陆坡上,测得着陆坡上落点E到D点距离为125m(小计空气阻力,g取10m/s2。,sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8)。求:
① 请根据题电路图,用笔画线代替导线将右中的
② 若电压表的读数为
③ 实验一:用一定强度的光照射硅光电池,调节
不是”)常数,短路电流为 mA ,电动势为
④ 实验二:减小实验一中光的强度,重复实验,
测得U-I曲线b,如图.当滑动变阻器的电阻为某值时,若实验一中的路端电压为1.5V。则实验二中外电路消耗的电功率为 mW(计算结果保留两位有效数字)。
(1)由图甲中刻度尺读出两个光电门中心之间的距离s=24cm,由图乙中游标卡尺测得遮光条的宽度d= cm。该实验小组在做实验时,将滑块从图甲所示位置由静止释放,由数字计时器可以读出遮光条通过光电门1的时间Δt1,遮光条通过光电门2的时间Δt2,则滑块经过光电门1时的瞬时速度的表达式v1=
,滑块经过光电门2时的瞬时速度的表达式v2 =
(2)在本次实验中,实验小组通过改变滑块质量总共做了6组实验,得到如下表所示的实验数据。其中当滑块的质量是350g时,Δt1 =1.20×10-3s,Δt2=1.18×10-3s,请根据(1)中得到的表达式计算出此时的加速度,并将结果填在下表中相应位置。
m(![]() |
a( m/s2 ) |
250 |
2.02 |
300 |
1.65 |
350 |
400 |
1.25 |
500 |
1.00 |
800 |
0.63 |
(3)通过计算分析上表数据后,你得出的结论是 ,如果想通过图像法进一步确认自己的结论,简要说出你的做法 。
8.如图所示,一束正离子从s点沿水平方向射出,在没有偏转电场、磁场时恰好击中荧光 屏上的坐标原点O;若同时加上电场和磁场后,正离子束最后打在荧光屏上坐标系的第Ⅲ象限中,则所加电场E和磁场B的方向可能是(不计离子
( )
A.E向下,B向上 B.E向下,B向下
C.E向上,B向下 D.E向上,B向上
因数为μ,则在此过程中F做功为 ( )
A. B.
C. D.
5.在一端封闭、长约lm的玻璃管内注满清水,水中放一个红蜡做的小圆柱体R,将玻璃管 的开口端用橡胶塞塞紧后,迅速将玻璃管倒置,蜡块沿玻璃管匀速上升,在蜡块上升的同时,让玻璃管沿水平方向向右(设为x方向)做匀加速直线移动,下图中能正确反映蜡块运动轨迹的是 ( )
压为4V,则不接电压表时,a、b间总电压为 ( )
A.6V B.8V
C.10V D.12V
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