0  353637  353645  353651  353655  353661  353663  353667  353673  353675  353681  353687  353691  353693  353697  353703  353705  353711  353715  353717  353721  353723  353727  353729  353731  353732  353733  353735  353736  353737  353739  353741  353745  353747  353751  353753  353757  353763  353765  353771  353775  353777  353781  353787  353793  353795  353801  353805  353807  353813  353817  353823  353831  447090 

4. I must warn you that my patience is almost ____________.


3. In my opinion, Kurt will think it over and ______________.


2. It is always the husband who ___________ first when a quarrel breaks out between the young people.


be familiar to; change ones’ mind; give in; at an end; dig out; prepare…to…; right away; give out; persuade ..to…; a number of; no wonder; dream of

1. The student helped the teacher _______________ English papers.


2. While dairy writers try to record how they feel very soon after things happen, journal writers try to better understand what has happened to them much later.





While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they can’t be solved.


He listened to music while doing his homework.


He fell off the bike while he was practicing riding.


He was against the plan while the majority was/were in favor of it.


She has golden hair when she was a child but __________ she got older and older, her hair went darker and darker.  K^S*5U.C#

A. while  B. when   C. after    D. as



1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.是我姐姐首先想到骑自行车沿湄公河从它的源头骑到终点的

It was …who…引导的是一个强调句型。两个where引导的从句均作介词宾语从句。


It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其余部分  K^S*5U.C#

It was they that put forward the problem at the meeting.

It was not until you told me that I realized that she hadn’t turned up yet.

What is it that is happening there?


Is it in the town ________________ he worked last year ____________ he will set up a company.

It wasn’t __________ he came __________ I knew that basketball match would be delayed.

I am sure that it is at 10:00______________ the plane for Dalian takes off.


8. lose hope绝望

He never loses hope even when he fails.


lose heart泄气;灰心

lose courage沮丧

lose face丢脸;受屈辱

lose touch (with sb.)与某人失去联系

lose one’s way迷路

lose one’s breath上气不接下气

lose one’s head昏了头

lose one’s life丧生,遇害


Never _______________________ even after you have failed several times.


7. break out(战争、火灾、疫病等)突然发生,爆发

A fire broke out in the supermarket last night.


break down出毛病,不运转

break away from脱离,摆脱……

break in插话,破门进入

break into破门闯入

break off突然终止  K^S*5U.C#

break through突围,突破


The fire was put out 15 minutes after it _________________.


6. be known/well known as = be famous as作为……而出名

Shenzhen is well-known as a modern city.


be known for因为……而闻名

be known to sb.为……所熟悉

It is known (to all) that…众所周知……

As is known (to all), ….众所周知……

It is well-known to us all it is very important to keep the balance of nature.

=As is well-known to us all, it is important to keep the balance of nature.


5. tens of thousands of 数以万计的

Tens of thousands of people were watching the game in the stadium when it began to rain heavily.


hundreds of数百的

hundreds of and thousands of 成百上千的

thousands of数千的

millions of数百万的

dozens of许多; 大量

scores of 许多; 大量


Every year ________ foreign visitors come to China.

A. tens of thousands of              B. ten thousands of

C. over ten thousands                D. thousands upon thousands

There were ____________ people in the hall.

A. two scores of                   B. scores of

C.  two and score                      D. two scores

