0  354123  354131  354137  354141  354147  354149  354153  354159  354161  354167  354173  354177  354179  354183  354189  354191  354197  354201  354203  354207  354209  354213  354215  354217  354218  354219  354221  354222  354223  354225  354227  354231  354233  354237  354239  354243  354249  354251  354257  354261  354263  354267  354273  354279  354281  354287  354291  354293  354299  354303  354309  354317  447090 

35. It is high time that someone ________ you how to behave yourself.

A. taught         B. teaches            C. shall teach     D. will teach


34. Sport plays an important role in our lives. Some enjoy playing ________others enjoy watching.

A. as                B. however        C. while          D. when


33. -Who’s the champion of the World Cup in South Africa?

  -No one knows. It ________ now. It will end on July 12.

A. has been held       B. is holding        C. is held               D. is being held


32. Some experts say that the housing price, ________ went up for the past couple of years, is likely to stop rising.

A. whose               B. which               C. what               D. that


31. -Dad, our teacher suggests ________ widely to achieve progress in our writing.

-It’s up to you to ________ the decision.

A. reading; make       B. to read; make  C. reading; making     D. to read; making


30. With over 10 employees ________ suicide one after another, the measures taken by the company ________ ineffective.

A. committed; proved                     B. committing; were proved 

C. committing; proved                C. committed; were proved       


29. Many airlines in Europe had to ________ due to the volcano eruption in Iceland.

  A. give off         B. close down     C. turn off         D. get down


28. ________ can you expect to get a pay rise. A. Only with hard work                  B. Although work hard  

C. With hard work                     D. Now that he works hard


27. -You can never ________ traffic signals while crossing the road.

  -Besides, every road user should ________ to traffic rules.

A. ignore; stick          B. care; contribute     C. avoid; lead         D. guide; connect

