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69.From Mr Stone’s speech we know that      .

    A.the British beef had been widely enjoyed by people out of the country .

    B.the British beef had once been widely praised by the people of the country

    C.the British beef caused the so-called disease

    D.Mr Stone often received letters of thanks from beef-eaters


68.Which of the following statements is NOT true ?

    A.In Alisha’s opinion , some students don’t respect their teachers .

    B.Desiry holds the view that a lawyer will bring happiness to people .

    C.Alexandra wants to be a biologist because she likes science most of all .

    D.A pediatrician has to do something related to children .

No. 18

William Stone , a spokesman of one of the biggest import & export companies in Yorkshire , Britain , was making an angry speech at a business conference in Berlin for seeking a complete solution to the problem of so-called “Mad Cow Disease” , which had been spreading quickly throughout the country and was regarded as a direct cause of the death of a 12-year-old schoolgirl who was said to have eaten some well-done beef and died two weeks later . The death caused great fear among beef-eaters all over the world .

“We don’t believe it since until now I haven’t received even a smallest piece of paper reporting the real cause of the death,” said Mr Stone excitedly facing the thirty representatives from at least twenty countries that had been the biggest import countries of the British beef but now refused to have it . When he saw no signs of anybody being willing to speak out , Mr Stone got madder , adding , “You will have to eat beef every day , won’t you ? In the past , to get our beef , you ordered months in advance , as much as you could , saying in your thank-you letters: ‘Without the British beef we can’t imagine what a colorless sight would be on our countrymen’s dinner tables.’”

“But now , gentlemen , you say ‘Mad Cow Disease …Death frightening …sorry to stop enjoying your beef for the moment !” Mr Stone let out a shout and then seized a handful of paper out from a paper bag lying beside the microphone , “Here ,here . What you are thinking about is all here . Have a look at your telegrams , gentlemen !” His audiences looked at each other , still expressionless . “Well , let our beef rot away , Mr Stone continued . “And let you men go hungry -they’ll be mad one day . Thank you !” He took his handkerchief out of his pocket , wiping off sweat while walking down back to his seat . All of the listeners stayed silent for seconds , then laughter burst out .

They , including Mr Stone himself , laughed so much that the chairman of the conference announced a rest of ten minutes .


67.What does the underlined work “ Junk” mean in the sentence “It’s not like I would take that junk from them” ?

    A.Things that you do not want or like .               B.Old or broken things .

    C.Job like teaching at school.     D.Knowledge or anything learnt .


66.Julia Roberts is probably      .

    A.a famous lawyer                               B.a biologist and scientist

    C.a successful teacher            D.a movie star


65.Which of the following do you think is the best title of this news report ?

    A.A Girl’s Unlucky Experience       B.Unreal Diploma

    C.Dishonesty Has Been Attacked   D.Can A Diploma Be All There Is

No. 17

 By Alisha , (13) Florida

When I sit down in class , I often wonder why my teachers choose such a job .Don’t get me wrong : if it weren’t for teachers I wouldn’t be as smart as I am . But tell me : After you go to school fourteen years , will you choose to be a teacher ?

After I see how students treat their teacher by disrespecting them in all types of ways , why would I want to have that job ? It’s not like I would take that junk from them . Do you think they become teachers to have the freedom that they didn’t have in school ? Or do they really want you to learn something ? --If they do , why do they scream at you when you make a mistake , or talk ? We all are not perfect , so if you don’t get a lesson they teach , why do they say you haven’t been listening ? It is not all teachers that act like that . But to the ones that do , I’d like to shout at them : DON’T TEACH !!!!!!!

By Alice ,(11) Tennessee

Look , ever since I was 2 , I want to be like Julia Roberts . And I do what I can to make it happen . I try out for as many plays as I can . I get in some and some I do not get in . It is all hard work . I think try hard and you will succeed in whatever you want !

By Desiry , (13 ) Florida

When I grow up I want to be a successful Lawyer , who will do a nice job by making people happy . I think that I will be good at this job because I have a loud mouth and I can tell very easily when someone Is lying .

By Kelley , (11) California

I think I want to be a pediatrician because I love kids and I like helping people . I don’t know if that’s what I’ll do , but I might . I hope to be a pediatrician so I can help kids .

By Alexandra , (9) California

   I would like to be a biologist . The job of a biologist is almost like a scientist . The thing that these two jobs have in common is that they both have to do something with science . My favourite subject might not be science but for sure I would like to be a biologist .


64.Which statement is NOT true according to the news report ?

    A.It seemed that the reporter agrees with Shen Ronghua’s opinion .

    B.If you want to get the job , you have to meet a certain education requirement .

    C.Most people held the view that morality was the most important thing .

    D.One official said that something should be done to change the human resource system .


63.What does Shen Ronghua mean by saying “diploma means this” ?

    A.A diploma can tell whether a person is honest or not .

    B.A diploma is the only sign of ability and talent .

    C.A diploma is what you get after you finish a course .

    D.A diploma means a job .


62.What can we infer from this news report ?

    A.The Civil Administration Bureau of Wuhan employed the girl .

    B.The girl was not employed because of dishonesty .

    C.It remained to be seen whether the girl was to be employed or not .

    D.Another Human Resource Institute employed the girl .


61.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “dilemma” in Paragraph Four ?

    A.A problem easy to deal with or solve .

    B.A situation in which it is difficult for you to make the decision .

    C.A difference in two or more statements , ideas , or stories .

    D.Something said or done that is funny .


60.It seems that young Europeans________.

 A. are more like Americans than their elders in their way of thinking

 B. look more like Americans than their elders do

 C. expect more from Americans than from their elders

 D. look upon life as their elders do

No. 16

The girl looking for the job turned out to be excellent but she ended up giving her employer a headache when it also turned out that she used an unreal diploma (文凭).

In December , a Civil Administration Bureau in the city of Wuhan , Hubei Province , announced that it needed five new staff members . Some 120 people applied and took the exam . Applicants were required to show proof of a college degree at least .

Mei Jing beat everyone , in the test and the interview . When a follow-up check was done , however , her education certificate was discovered to be an unreal one .

This was a bit of an embarrassment for the employers . A dilemma , one might say . If she were hired because of her excellent performance , she still wouldn’t have the qualifications on paper . But , if she were dropped because she didn’t meet the education requirements , they would lose a good worker . Tough problem .

While Mei’s future hangs in the balance , the public having learned of the case , got involved .

Some people said the bureau should employ her , since results are the only important thing . “After all , ability is more important than a diploma,” said one office worker .

Others , however , have attacked Mei’s dishonesty . They said that morality (道德) was , after all , more important than talent , especially in the case of a government position . Mei wasn’t honest , so she shouldn’t be hired . Case closed .

But , Shen Ronghua , the head of the Shanghai Public Administration and Human resources Institute , tries to be a bit more philosophical .

“There is still a sort of ‘diploma means this’ prejudice (偏见)among people,” Shen explains , “Many employers regard a diploma as the only sign of ability and talent.”

So, with this in mind , people may pay little attention to whether someone has real ability or not . They turn to chasing a diploma instead . The unreal diploma is the natural product of this thought .

The conclusion ? “China needs a new human resource system . The new system will not define a person only by his or her diploma,” Shen says .

