0  354953  354961  354967  354971  354977  354979  354983  354989  354991  354997  355003  355007  355009  355013  355019  355021  355027  355031  355033  355037  355039  355043  355045  355047  355048  355049  355051  355052  355053  355055  355057  355061  355063  355067  355069  355073  355079  355081  355087  355091  355093  355097  355103  355109  355111  355117  355121  355123  355129  355133  355139  355147  447090 

30.We should be very ________about giving our personal information to strangers.

A.happy         B.outgoing       C.ready          D.cautious


29.I’m familiar with you because your name ________in our yesterday’s conversation many times.

A.mentioned      B.pointed out     C.came up        D.referred to


28.I don’t think the scene with the horses really ________.

A.ok           B.proper         C.works         D.fits


27.The contract is very important for both of you, so studying it ________before signing is necessary.

A.in return       B.in exchange     C.in detail          D.in turn


26.It is reported that many battles broke out in Middle East. What’s your ________ of the situation there?  

A.assessment     B.anxiety        C.comprehension     D.consideration


25.The hotel was nice; the weather was warm; the beaches were beautiful.________I’d say it was a great vacation.

A.Completely      B.Eventually       C.Actually          D.Alt ogether


24.I will thank Mary for her having offered to ________the baby while I went out.

A.have an eye for                  B.keep an eye out for

C.keep an eye on                   D.cast her eye over


23.Maureen hasn’t been feeling well ________. You’d better go and see her.

A.late           B.latest          C.later           D.lately


22.Dad is under a lot of pressure, so we have to ________ him.  

A.make preparations for             B.take out insurance for

C.make allowances for               D.make sense of

