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20. As a coach, you should know clearly about the direction _____ your team should develop.

  A. to which       B. from which       C. in which  D. for which


19. The highest award was given to Anna, who _____ so hard on the project for years, and at last her efforts paid off.

  A. has worked     B. worked   C. was working  D. had been working


18. ― What sort of friend do you want to have? Someone beautiful?

― Well, it ____ be beautiful―that’s not important.

A. mustn’t        B. can’t        C. won’t       D. needn’t


17. I’d like him to know that I don’t want to be with him, but he never gets the _____.

A. message       B. news     C. information      D. word


16. While traveling in Sichuan, you can’t miss ______ people call “The National Treasure” ―Giant Panda.

  A. that           B. it            C. what        D. which


15. With so many tress and flowers _____ about, our school campus looks like a beautiful garden.

  A. planted       B. to be planted    C. planting  D. being planted


14. _____ you told me, I heard nothing of what had happened.

  A. Unless      B. Until         C. After         D. When

