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65.---Have you heard from Janet recently?

 --- No, but I __ her over Christmas.

A. study   B. will be seeing   C. have seen   D. have been seeing


64._____my sister three times today but her line was always busy.

A. I’d phoned   B. I’ve been phoning  C. I’ve phoned  D.I was phoning


63. I can’t see any coffee in this cupboard._____?

A. Has it all been finished   B. Was it all finished  C. Has it all finished  D. Did it all finish


62. When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He_____ her before.

A. never saw   B. had never seen   C. never sees   D. has never seen


61. Telephone messages for the manager _____on her desk but she didn’t notice them.

 A. were left   B. was left     C. was leaving   D. were leaving


60. According to the art dealer, the painting ___to go for at least a million dollars.

 A. is expected    B. expects    C. expected    D. is expecting


59. I____ you not to move my dictionary-now I can’t find it.

 A. asked    B. ask   C. was asking   D. had asked


58. ---The window is dirty.    ---I know. It____ for weeks.

A. hasn’t cleaned  B. didn’t clean  C. wasn’t cleaned  D. hasn’t been cleaned


57. He kept looking at her, wondering whether he ___ her somewhere.

A saw    B. has seen    C. sees    D. had seen


56. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ____ advertisements showing happy families.

A. will often see  B. often see   C. are often seeing   D. have often seen

