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Women turn to online shopping

   Women have jumped ahead of men for the first time in using the Internet to do their holiday shopping, according to a study published last week in the US.

   For years men have been more likely to shop on the Internet than women, but during the 2004 holiday season 58 percent of those making online purchases were women.

   “It shows how mainstream the Internet is becoming”, said Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project group, which carried out the study.

   Rainie said it was only a matter of time before women shoppers caught up with men. This is because women traditionally make decisions about spending.

   Users were more likely to shop online to save time. Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 were responsible for some of the most dramatic(显著的)increases in the online gift-buying population this time around.

   However, three-quarters of the US Internet users did not buy holiday gifts online in 2004. They worried about credit card security, or just compared online prices with off-line prices, then dashed off to the shops to get the best deals.

“But even if shoppers don’t buy online, websites are becoming promotion tools for stores,” said Dan Hess, vice(副) president of Comscore Networks Inc. Hess said that actually most stores’ websites can make customers fully believe the security of their credit card numbers. And most are able to ensure that gifts arrive on time.

“It’s all about making the shopping experience more efficient, more reliable and more comfortable,” Hess said.

67.Which of the following statements is true?

  A.There were fewer women online shoppers than men in 2004.

  B.Most of the Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 are women.

  C.People in the US were more likely to buy gifts online.

  D.More women shopped online than men in 2004.

68.From the passage we can infer that________.

  A.men usually decide how to spend money in the family

  B.women usually decide what to buy in the family

  C.the Internet is used in all the shops.

  D.more and more shops will sell their goods online.

69.According to Dan Hess, shopping online___________.

A.is unsafe                    B.is convenient        

C.is a waste of time            D.is cheaper

70.What can we know from the passage?

  A.American people only buy gifts in holidays.

  B.Shopping online is fun for women.

  C.Shopping off-line provides better service.

D.Young people like to do gift-shopping online.



President Barack Obama nominated (提名) Utah governor Jon Huntsman as ambassador (大使) to China on May 16.

Huntsman, 49, is the son of a Utah multimillionaire (千万富翁). He served as ambassador to Singapore under former president George H.W. Bush. In 2004, he became the governor of Utah and was elected for a second term in 2008.

The governor has strong ties to China: He lived in Taiwan when he was a teenager and speaks fluent Chinese. One of his daughters was adopted (收养) from China. His family also has business ties with China through Huntsman Corp, a chemical company. It has operations (动作) in the country including a factory in Shanghai.

Huntsman’s nomination has been met with praise in both countries.

“Jon Huntsman is a well-regarded politician (政治家) in the US…… his experience as ambassador to Singapore and his knowledge of China, plus his wonderful Chinese language skills singled him out from the large number of candidates,” Dai Min, president of the US-based Center for America-China Partnership (中美合作中心), told China Daily.

Obama appointed Huntsman “in order to seek China’s help and cooperation” on several international and regional issues, said Yuan Peng, professor of American Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (中国现代国际关系研究院).

Some people say that President Obama’s decision to name John Huntsman is a well thought out political strategy. Huntsman is a big player in the Republican Party, and a possible presidential candidate for 2012. If he really has joined the Obama administration, he has lost that possibility. Now, when Obama kicks off his re-election campaign, “ambassador” Huntsman won’t be a threat.

64.The nomination of Huntsman won praise on both sides for the following reasons EXCEPT that _________.

  A. he has business ties with China

  B. he can speak Chinese fluently

  C. he is a very experienced politician

  D. he knows China very well

65.Which of the following facts about Huntsman is NOT true ?

  A. He was once ambassador to Singapore.

  B. He was elected governor of Utah twice.

  C. He has served two presidents as governor.

  D. He spent part of his youth in Taiwan.

66.From the last two paragraphs, we can conclude that ____________.

  A. Obama considers China America’s top trade partner.

  B. By choosing Huntsman, Obama kills two birds with one stone.

  C. Huntsman will probably run for president in 2012.

  D. Huntsman will settle several international and regional issues.



Jobs for abroad students in Shanghai

Ad  No.37120

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 10:44 by castellari

We are an Italian company engaged in high leveled Italian coffee and coffee machines. Now, we have a program which requires involving of foreign students in Shanghai.

This is a job about selling our products online in the office to individuals or offices or any place where there’s a need for coffee. You’re required to work only at weekends. We’ll offer you a favorable payment. For those who’re interested, please contact Ava.

Reply to: zhangaihui@     Tel: 61212021

Office assistant needed (Full-time)

Ad No.40994

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 10:55 by roybivExpire

UK Accessories Brand is looking for a new talented person to develop with the company. You must be able to speak a little English and understand emails written in English. Please send your personal information with expected salary to us.

Contact: Josie

Reply to: info@   Tel: 63573038

Teaching in China

Ad No. 40894

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 09:23 by Sh_ shifter

We have contacted most schools all over China and agreed to introduce many good foreign teachers to the schools. This is one of the best positions because you can work in different cities of China at different times.

Position: Oral English teachers (Full-time)

Salary: 8,000 RMB-10,000 RMB per month

Working load: 20-22 hours per week

Apartment: Free fully furnished single accommodation, equipped with telephone, TV, air conditioner, fridge and so on.

Teacher’s qualification: BA / BS / TESL and having teaching experience is preferred.

Contact: Foreign Affairs Manger, International Department

Address: No. 9 Jiefang road, Wuhan, Hubei

Tel: 86(0)2782300522

Email: teachinglanguage2009@

Logistics(后勤) manager needed in Shanghai

Ad No.41055

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 17:01 by jobtrans

We want to find 2 full-time logistics manager for our forwarding company.


(1) Female;  (2) Bachelor’s degree or above;  (3) 3-year working experience required.

For more information, please visit our website:

Tel: 62875341

60.What do these advertisements have in common (共同)?

   A. They all employ only applicants (求职者) with work experience.

   B. The employment agencies are all based in Shanghai.

   C. They are posted on the same day.

   D. They are all for China-based foreign companies.

61.Miss Green wants to find a part-time job, which telephone number should she dial?

   A. 63573038   B. 61212021   C. 86(0)27782300522   D. 62875341

62.Li Ming has just finished high school, which position might suit him?

   A. Salesman in the Italian company.

   B. A logistics manager.

   C. An oral English teacher.

   D. Office assistant in UK Accessories Brand.

63.Your American friend Mr. Smith wants to find a job in China which offers a flexible (易弯曲的,可适应的) workplace, you may recommend him to _____________.

   A. write to teachinglanguage2009@

   B. visit

   C. write to zhangaihui@

   D. write to info@



Strong winds, sand in the air, poor visibility (能见度), we all know the characteristics of a sandstorm. But what else do you know about them?

Did you know, for example, that the first sandstorm of 2009 hit north China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region late February?

Sandstorms are today a feature of life in northern China because of desertification (沙漠化) and the retreat (退化) of the northern grasslands. They usually occur between February and May.

Fortunately, sandstorms this year should be fewer than in past years in north China, according to the National Meteorological Center (中央气象台).

And the chances of sandstorms hitting Beijing are small, because recent rain has stopped drought and reduced dry dirt and dust. Tree planting, and other measures taken by the government, has also helped decrease the chance of sandstorms in the city.

Sandstorms can be dangerous. However, there are measures you can take to protect yourself from harm.

﹡Wear a mask. Cover your nose and mouth with a mask that can keep out sand, or use a damp handkerchief.

﹡If you are driving and the storm is at a distance, it may be possible to outrun (超过) it. If it looks like you will be caught in the storm, stop and wait it out.

﹡Take a cover. If there is no shelter, then lie down. Keep eyes, nose and mouth covered. Cover your head with your arms or a backpack to protect yourself against flying objects.

If you are caught in a desert sandstorm, take the following actions.

﹡Mark your direction before lying down. It is easy to get lost in a desert.

﹡Keep plenty of water at hand. If you get lost, you need water to survive until you find your way or help arrives.

﹡Stay together if traveling in a group. Lock arms if caught in a sandstorm. The most useful measure would actually be to make sandstorms disappear forever. To make this goal come true, people should plant trees, and stop desertification.

Today, the straight-line distance between Tiananmen Square and a desert called Tianmo in Hebei province is only about 80km. If desertification is not stopped, environmental protection experts say, it will probably not be long before Beijingers can catch a camel to work.

56.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

 A. So far in 2009 no sandstorm has happened.

 B. Sandstorms usually happen in spring.

 C. Sandstorms are a feature of life in China.

 D. In sandstorms in cities, what you need to protect yourself from is just the sand in the air.

57.Which may not be the right action to take to protect yourself from harm in a sandstorm?

 A. Finding a shelter.

 B. Covering your head with a bag.

 C. Lying down.

 D. When driving, speed up and rush through the sandstorm.

58.What can we infer from the passage ?

 A. North China has been suffering from sandstorms for several years.

 B. The distance between Beijing and the desert has made the chances of sandstorms hitting Beijing small this year.

 C. Planting trees can help make sandstorms disappear.

 D. It is more dangerous to be caught in sandstorms in cities because there are more flying objects.

59.What’s the best title of the passage?

 A. The realities of sandstorm              B. The cause of sandstorm.

 C. The influences of sandstorm            D. The future of sandstorm.


35. ----Will you go to Tom’s 18th birthday party?

   ----If you go, ___________.

  A. nor do I               B. nor I do        C. so will I     D. so I will


34. The reason why I burst into tears is _________ I don’t want to part with my mother.     

A. that              B. because           C. what               D. which


33. --Would you mind if I keep the door open?


  A. Yes, do it    B. No, of course not     C. Yes, go ahead D. No, you can’t open it


32. In the north people sometimes tie straw ropes (草绳) round the trees in winter to ______ them from the cold.

  A. stop           B. prevent            C. save          D. protect

