0  357628  357636  357642  357646  357652  357654  357658  357664  357666  357672  357678  357682  357684  357688  357694  357696  357702  357706  357708  357712  357714  357718  357720  357722  357723  357724  357726  357727  357728  357730  357732  357736  357738  357742  357744  357748  357754  357756  357762  357766  357768  357772  357778  357784  357786  357792  357796  357798  357804  357808  357814  357822  447090 

15.The Grand Theatre is located on one corner of___is called the People'sSquare.

  A. which  B. what  C. the place  D. that 

16 --Where have you been recently? ---I_____in Hangzhou on business for a week last month.

  A. have been  B. was  C. had been  D.had gone 


14.Something___wrong with the car,and it____not start.

  A.being;could  B.going;should  C.was;might  D.went;would


13.___the plan has been made,let's get down to___it out.

  A.Now that;carry B. Because;carry C.Since;carrying D.Now;putting


11.Being able to speak another language fluently is a great____when you're

  looking for a job.

 ce  B. importance  C. assistant  D. advantage

12 My parents suggested I should  ____ regularly to keep fit.

   A.work out    B.burn out    e out    D.give out


10. Do you think the reason_____he gave is believable?

  A. for which   B. which  C. why  D. what


9. Professor Zhang gave all the textbooks to all the pupils, except____who had already taken them.

  A. these  B. ones  C. the ones   D. the others


8. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used_____late for his lecture.   A. to have students      B. for students’ being

  C. for students to be      D. to students’ being


7. Apples are usually sold by______weight and eggs are sometimes sold by _______doz Men.

 A.the;the     B./;a       C. /;the     D. the;a


6.As soon as I entered Evan's company I saw a board____"____to Evans".

A reads;WelcomedB.written;to WelcomeC.reading;WelcomeD.printed;Welcome


1.     :单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


