0  357747  357755  357761  357765  357771  357773  357777  357783  357785  357791  357797  357801  357803  357807  357813  357815  357821  357825  357827  357831  357833  357837  357839  357841  357842  357843  357845  357846  357847  357849  357851  357855  357857  357861  357863  357867  357873  357875  357881  357885  357887  357891  357897  357903  357905  357911  357915  357917  357923  357927  357933  357941  447090 

35.“I wanted to do something    I felt like I could make a difference,”says Lina Bilimoria,

   a student from the UK.  

   A.where          B.which             C.that            D.why


34.-We’ve missed the last bus! Now We’ll have to walk home.

   Yes, we    the library five minutes earlier.

   A.would have left                   B.must have left

   C.might have left                D.should have left


33.When a new disease breaks out,experts must    what to do in the fastest way.

   A.figure out          B.take out        C.point out       D.make out


32.At the age of 10 Shawn picked up dance class,    she had been told that dance didn’t

   suit her.

   A.after              B.when              C.although       D.until


31.Electricity is cut off after the earthquake.Villagers have to make some candies    light.

   A.giving          B.given             C.to give     D.give


30.One of the things the school tries to advocate is      pupils need to learn more about the best ways to find out questions.

   A.when              B.how           C.that            D.what


29.Latest researches show children   with high levels of air pollution during their first

   year of life run a greater risk of developing certain diseases. 

   A.to be associated              B.being associated

   C.having been associated            D.associated


28.-I’m sorry to have brought you so much trouble.

   -    .

   A.My pleasure               B.That's all right

   C.No problem                   D.You’re welcome


27.-The film Avatar made by James Cameron is fantastic.Don’t you think so?

   -    .For years to come it will be beyond what movies can achieve.

   A.Hopefully          B.Extremely          C.Exactly         D.Surprisingly

