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27. If you don’t go, _____.

  A. So do I    B. So will I     C. nor do I    D. nor will I


26. Though he is ill, he has not quit _____.

  A. smoke   B. to smoke   C. smoked   D. smoking


25. I’ve won a holiday for two days to Florida. I _____ my mum.

  A. am taking   B. have taken     C. take    D. will have taken


24. Their plan was ____. With it we had little trouble in finishing the work.

  A. success     B. succeed    C. a success    D. a successful


23. When we heard the gun fire, we all stood still and shook with _______.

  A. fear     B. a fear    C. fears     D. the fear


21.  The room ______ white last year is my study.

A. to be painted   B. being painted  C. painted   D. having been painted



20.  ---_______ leave at the end of this month.

--- I don’t think you should do that until ____ another job.

A. I’m going to; you’d found    B. I’m going to; you’ve found  

C. I’ll; you’ll find         D. I’ll; you’d find


第二节   听下面5段对话或独白, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.   Where did this dialogue happen?

A. At the station.   B. In the hospital.    C. In the shop.

7.   What is the woman going to buy?

A. Bag.     B. Shoes.     C. Trousers.

8.  What color does her daughter like?

  A. White     B. Blue.    C. Red.


9.   Why did Jack call Mary?

A. To offer his help with her new flat.    B. To invite her out for an evening.   

C. To ask if she’s got the tickets.

10. What will Mary be doing next Saturday afternoon?

  A. Cleaning up the new flat.   B. Watching a tennis match.   C. Visiting a friend with Jane.

11. What has Mary agreed to do with Jack next Saturday/

  A. To buy concert tickets.    B. To see a play.     C. To attend a concert.


12.  Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a hotel.    B. In a hospital.   C. In a shopping centre.

13.  On which floor is the Exhibition Centre?

A. The ninth floor.      B. The third floor.      C. The second floor.

14.  Why does the man come to Hong Kong?

A.     He is on holiday.  B. He comes for the computer exhibition. 

C.  He comes to meet Peter Smith from Greece.


15.  Where does the woman learn Chinese?

A.     In England.     B. In France.       C. In China.

16.  How is the woman’s French?

A. She can just speak a little.  B. She speaks it very well. 

C. She learned it in Peking University.


17.  Why did the guard call loudly?

A. He wanted people to be careful.  

B. He wanted people to know the train was leaving.

C. He wanted people to know the train was coming.

18.  Why was Dr. Wang sad?

A.     He couldn’t see his friends again.  

B.     B. His friends didn’t say goodbye to him. 

C.  He should be on the train, not his friends.

19.  Why did the guard tell Dr. Wang not to feel sad?

A. He thought Dr. Wang’s friends would come soon.

B. He didn’t think Dr. Wang’s friends would get lost. 

C. He knew the next train would come soon.

20. Which one is correct?

  A. Mr Li and Mr Chen jumped onto the train without thinking.

  B. Mr Li and Mr Chen went home by train.

 C. Dr. Wang came to say goodbye to Mr Li and Mr Chen.


第一节   听下面5段对话, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.   What does the woman mean?

A. He has dialed the wrong number.  B. John Smith is not in.  C. Nobody is called John Smith.

2.   Why isn’t the man going to work?

A. He is sick.     B. His boss has fired him.     C. He wants to play tennis.

3.   What will the man have?

A. Bread.        B. Milk.        C. Eggs.

4.   Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In an office.     B. In a street.    C. In a shop.

5.   What’s the man’s job?

A. He is a lawyer.    B. He is a shop assistant.    C. He works for lawyers.



















