0  358069  358077  358083  358087  358093  358095  358099  358105  358107  358113  358119  358123  358125  358129  358135  358137  358143  358147  358149  358153  358155  358159  358161  358163  358164  358165  358167  358168  358169  358171  358173  358177  358179  358183  358185  358189  358195  358197  358203  358207  358209  358213  358219  358225  358227  358233  358237  358239  358245  358249  358255  358263  447090 

26. The ____kept by the doctor shows that the patient is gradually recovering.   A. treat      B. touch     C. process     D. record


25. What he said ____ a big difference to the way of my thinking. ____, his words have a great effect on me. A. makes, What is  B. does; That is  C. makes; That is    D. makes; Which is


24. -How can we pass the time? There is half an hour before the concert begins. - _____! I will like whatever you want to do.

A. All right    B. Up to you   C. It all depends   D. Take your time


23. I recognized him ____ I saw him in the street one day after twenty years' parting.   A. in a moment   B. the minute   C for the minute  D for the moment


22. I’m afraid he can’t ____ the idea of having a woman as his boss.   A. adapt to     B. receive    C. fit       D. used to


21. Nowadays many young people get into ____ habit of smoking in ____ public and can't kick it.

  A. the; the      B. / ;/      C. / ;the      D. the;/


20. 如图所示,一轻三足支架每边长度均为l,每边与竖直线成同一角度θ,三足置于一光滑水平面上,且恒成一正三角形,现用一绳圈套在三足支架的三足上,使其不能改变与竖直线间的夹角,设三足支架负重为G,试求绳中张力FT。(用两种方法求解)

命题人:李忠相   审题人:张斌


