0  358566  358574  358580  358584  358590  358592  358596  358602  358604  358610  358616  358620  358622  358626  358632  358634  358640  358644  358646  358650  358652  358656  358658  358660  358661  358662  358664  358665  358666  358668  358670  358674  358676  358680  358682  358686  358692  358694  358700  358704  358706  358710  358716  358722  358724  358730  358734  358736  358742  358746  358752  358760  447090 

1. hardly→hard  2. 去掉the  3. in→on  4. 去掉from  5. waited-wait 


10. return→returned

No. 4

Zhang Li, our monitor, works hardly on his lessons and he’s always ready to help the others. We like him. One day in his way home, he saw an accident. A girl fell off from her bike and her legs got hurt. With tears in her eyes, she could do nothing but waited for help. Zhang Li ran over, taking out a handkerchief and pressed onto the bleeding point. In this way first aid was offering to the girl. “Take it easy,” said he. Then he sent her to a nearby hospital. That was not long before the girl’s parents went to the hospital and they thanked him a lot.


6. in→by  7. late→later  8. America→American  9. buy→bought


1.去掉in  2. staying→stay  3. city→cities  4. next前加the  5. which→that


9. doctor→doctors  10. real→really

No. 3

Mr David came to China for the second time in this spring. During his staying in China, he visited several city. In Beijing he visited the Great Wall, and next day he left for Nanjing by train, where he visited the Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge. After which he travelled to Hangzhou in the air and went sight-seeing on the West Lake. Two days late, he got to Guangzhou by train and gave a report in America English. And then he went to Shanghai by sea, and buy over ten books in Chinese. After two weeks, David return to Beijing by plane.


5. what→that  6. examples→example  7. 去掉to  8. pick后加up


1. woman→women  2. of them→for  3. sometime→sometimes  4. On→In


6. with→by  7. become 前加has  8. do→does  9. 去掉to  10. That→This

No. 2

In many countries, woman are looked down upon. It’s more difficult of them to get some work than men. In order to get a job, they sometime have to tell a lie. That's unfair. On fact, women can work no worse than men. There's nothing what women can't do. Perhaps, they’re better at their work than men. For examples, in making telephones, many companies would rather to employ women. The reason is that men can't pick the small pieces with their fingers. Women can also become excellent engineers, doctor and teachers. So I am sure the day will come soon when women can real get equal rights.


1. was→is  2. wonder→wonders  3. what→that  4. dated→dates  5. or→and



No. 1

Welcome to the Great Wall. The Great Wall of China was one of the wonder of the world. It is one of the few man-made objects on earth what can be seen on the moon. It dated from about 770 BC. It is more than 6000 kilometres long, 6-7 metres high or 4-5 metres wide. All the work was done with hand. Many people were forced to work on the wall. Now the Great Wall become a place of interest. We all know the famous Chinese saying: “He who do not reach the Great Wall isn’t a true man.” Now let me to show you around the Great Wall. That way, Please.

