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4、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(   )






3、下列加点的成语运用无误的一项是(   )



C、如果只为了一个小小的成就便踌躇满志,不但得不到别人的赞美,反而会遭人们嗤之以鼻。 D、在已经气息奄奄的暮年,他坐在公园的石凳上沉思往事,突然发现自己所崇拜的偶像不过是个华而不实、自私自利的小人。


2、下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )

A、玷辱   陶冶   良晨美景  哀声叹气

B、撮合  矜持   平心而论   没精打采

C、辖制   通霄   阴谋鬼计   战战兢兢

D、鞭苔  泅水   精疲力尽   涣然冰释 


1、下面加点字的注音无误的一项是(  )

A、 酒(zhuàn)  迤(lì)    (nuó)送   或(zhào)孤舟

B、 拮(jù)   连(lěi)  佑(bì)   并行不(bèi)

C  流(qì)     央(měi)    恶(zēng) 锣鼓喧(tián)

D、 水(lǎo)   (suí)园   然(yǎn)   欣载奔(zǎi)


第二节:书面表达(满分25分)下面的饼状图(pie chat)显示了你对你校学生兴趣爱好的调查结果。请你用英语给English Weekly写一篇短文,报道你的调查结果,并对此结果发表你的看法或建议。字数120词左右。首句已给出(不计入词数)。

A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time.




Dear Nicolaus Copernicus,

I am a s______(76) studying astronomy and I would very much like to read your new theory about the solar s_____.(77)

I hope you will p______(78) it for several reasons.

  I understand the problems with the present theory. The way the plants move is not what you would expect if the earth was the center of the u_______(79). It is also odd that the brightness of some s____(80) seems to change. So I agree with you that we need a new theory.

  I know your observations have been very carefully c_____(81) out over many years. Now you must have the courage to publish them. S______ (82)can never advance unless people have the courage of their beliefs. I know you worry about what will h_____(83) if you publish your new theory. No m_______ (84)how people oppose it, time will show w_______(85) your ideas are right or wrong.

  So I hope you will feel you can publish your new theory.

                           Yours sincerely,

                                  Li Hua

