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10. ---   is this ball?---It’s   .

  A. Who’s, his  B. Whose, her  C. Who, our  D. Whose, Jack’s


9. There is a racket   Nick and   .

  A. between, me  B. in the middle of, me  C. near, I  D. in the middle of, I


8. ---Is there a toilet   Building B?---Yes, there is one   the ground floor.

  A. on, in  B. in, on  C. on , on  D. in, in


7. ---Where are Tom and Peter from?---They are from   .

  A. American  B. English  C. England  D. Americas


6. ---Here  .---Thank you, Mum. A. your shirt is  B. is your shirt  C. is it  D. are they


5. ---Are there   boats on the lake?---Yes, there are   .

  A. some, any  B. some, some  C. any, some  D. any, any


4. ---Who is  ?---  is my cousin.  A. her, She  B. her, Her  C. she, Her  D. she, She


3. ---Is   car white?---Yes, it’s   white car.  A. the, a  B. a, the  C. a, a  D. the,/


2. ---What colour is that teddy bear? ---Oh,    .

  A. it’s an orange  B. it’s orange teddy bear  C. it’s orange  D. it’s a orange


1. It’s cold today. Please   the windows.  A. open  B. close  C. clean  D. take

