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302.  已知:正三棱柱ABC-A′B′C′中,AB′⊥BC′,BC=2,求:线段AB′在侧面上的射影长.

解析: 如图,取BC的中点D.∵AD⊥BC,侧面⊥底面ABC,∴AD⊥侧面是斜线AB′在侧面的射影.又∵AB′⊥BC′,∴⊥BC′.






301.  正三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1的侧面三条对角线AB1、BC1、CA1中,AB1⊥BC1.求证:AB1⊥CA1.

解析:方法1  如图,延长B1C1到D,使C1D=B1C1.连CD、A1D.因AB1⊥BC1,故AB1⊥CD;又B1C1=A1C1=C1D,故∠B1A1D=90°,于是DA1⊥平面AA1B1B.故AB1⊥平面A1CD,因此AB1⊥A1C.

方法2  如图,取A1B1、AB的中点D1、P.连CP、C1D1、A1P、D1B,易证C1D1⊥平面AA1B1B.由三垂线定理可得AB1⊥BD1,从而AB1⊥A1D.再由三垂线定理的逆定理即得AB1⊥A1C.

说明  证明本题的关键是作辅助面和辅助线,证明线面垂直常采用下列方法:








童 年






84. Why will people with musical training find it easier to learn Chinese, according to the researchers? (No more than 15 words.)



Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below.

Write a composition of about 120 words according to the information below:


Feb. 14th :Valentine Day (情人节)
Mar. 8th :Women’s Day
Apr.1st :Fools’ Day
The second Sunday in May:Mothers’ Day
June.1:Children’s Day


83. What does the underlined “work the other way round” mean in the last paragraph? (No more than 12 words.)



82. How did the non-Chinese with no musical background react to the audiotape? (No more than 6 words.)




Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Anyone who has tried to learn Chinese can prove how hard it is to master the pitch (音调) required to speak and understand it. And anyone who has tried to learn to play the violin or other instruments can report similar challenges.

Now researchers have found that people with musical training have an easier time learning Chinese.

Writing in the online edition of Nature Neuroscience, researchers from Northwestern University say that both skills use parts of the brain that help people notice changes in pitch.

One of the study’s authors, Nina Kraus, said the findings suggested that studying music “actually tunes our sensory (感官的) system.” This means that schools that want children to do well in languages should hesitate before cutting music programs, Dr. Kraus said. She said music training might also help children with language problems.

Chinese speakers have been shown to have a more complex programming of pitch patterns in their brains than English speakers do. This is most probably because in Chinese and other Asian languages, pitch plays a central role. A single word can have several meanings depending on how it is pronounced.

For this study, the researchers looked at 20 non-Chinese speaking volunteers, half with no musical background and half who had studied an instrument for at least six years.

As they were shown a movie, the volunteers also heard an audiotape of the Chinese word “mi” in three of its meanings: squint (眯), bewilder (迷) and rice. The researchers recorded activity in their brain stems (脑干) to see how well they were processing the sounds.

Those with a music background showed much more brain activity in response to the Chinese sounds.

The lead author of the study, Patrick C. M. Wong, said it might work the other way round. It appears that native speakers of tonal (音调的) languages may do better at learning instruments, Dr. Wong said.

81. Why is the arrangement of pitch patterns in Chinese speakers’ brains more complex? (No more than 8 words.)



What they do with a computer: ◆Girls prefer to use computers for _ 76  .

◆Boys prefer to use computers for  77   and understanding


How they feel about a computer: ◆Girls are afraid of breaking it.

              ◆Boys are  78   such worry.

Their  79   to computer games: ◆Girls think they are boring because the characters are irrelevant

to their lives.

◆Boys don’t have such feelings.


Before high school: ◆Girls use computers  71   boys.

In high school: ◆Girls make up  72   in computer science classes.

       ◆Girls feel less comfortable with the computer.

       ◆Boys use computers  73   often than girls after class.

       ◆Boys feel more  74   when using computers.


70. If Bob, chairman of a book club, wants to learn to use the computer to help manage his book club, which of the following numbers will he probably call?

  A. 512-743-8905   B. 512-743-8908   C. 931-7620   D. 931-7623



Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram / Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage.

 Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer

The girls in this sixth grade class in East Palo Alto, California, all have the same access to computers as boys. But researchers say, by the time they get to high school, they are victims of what the researchers call a major new gender (性别) gap in technology. Janice Weinman of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) says, "Girls tend to be less comfortable than boys with the computer. They use it more for word processing rather than for problem solving, rather than to discover new ways in which to understand information.

  After re-examining a thousand studies, the AAUW researchers found that girls make up only a small percentage of students in computer science classes. Girls rate themselves significantly lower than boys in their ability and confidence in using computers. And they use computers less often than boys outside the classroom.

  An instructor of a computer lab says he's already noticed some difference. Charles Cheadle of Cesar Chavez School says, "Boys are not so afraid they might do something that will harm the computer, whereas girls are afraid they might break it somehow."

   Six years ago, the software company Purple Moon noticed that girls' computer usage was falling behind boys. Karen Gould with the company says, "The number one reason girls told us they don't like computer games is not that they're too violent, or too competitive. Girls just said they're unbelievably boring." What girls want, Purple Moon found, is characters they can relate to and story lines relative to what's going on in their own lives. "What we definitely found from girls is that there is no intrinsic (内在的) reason why they wouldn't want to play on a computer; it was just a content thing," says Karen Gould.

  The sponsor of the study says it all boils down to this: the technology gender gap that separates the girls from the boys must be closed if women are to compete effectively with men in the 21st century.

What has caused the new gender gap in technology?

