0  361087  361095  361101  361105  361111  361113  361117  361123  361125  361131  361137  361141  361143  361147  361153  361155  361161  361165  361167  361171  361173  361177  361179  361181  361182  361183  361185  361186  361187  361189  361191  361195  361197  361201  361203  361207  361213  361215  361221  361225  361227  361231  361237  361243  361245  361251  361255  361257  361263  361267  361273  361281  447090 

44.A.red           B.plastic         C.paper          D.fresh


43.A.when          B.until           C.while          D.if


42.A.cause          B.make          C.use           D.allow


41.A.white          B.blue           C.green          D.yellow


40.A.passing         B.getting         C.giving         D.dying


39.A.alive           B.healthy         C.dead          D.ill


38.A.way           B.method         C.habit          D.tradition


37.A.feel           B.believe         C.wish          D.think


Mom had a way with all things _41_.My sister and I always joked, “Mom could _42_ a telephone pole grow leaves and bear fruit.”

Why can’t I? I thought.Still, I couldn’t stand throwing the dead plant away.Instead, I placed it into a dark corner of our bathroom.I didn’t even water it.I just left it there _43_ I could deal with it.

My husband asked me if I was going to wear a white flower to church that Mother’s Day.“Yes,” I told him, “but I need a _44_ gardenia.” I added silently.

Sunday morning I woke up early to get dressed and made for the _45_.Still _46_, I walked to the bathroom.Suddenly I was woken up by a pleasant scent (香味).I pushed the door open and stepped into the bathroom.That morning I knew I would be ready to wear a small white flower for Mom.In that dark corner, _47_ as if it had a light of its own, bloomed a perfect white gardenia!

36.A.everything      B.nothing         C.anything        D.something



(1)甲图正午时刻的旗杆影子是   ,其朝向和长度特点是            

(2)甲图中,若杆影OA与OB相等,则α   (大于、小于或等于)β,其分别对应的两个时刻(当地地方时)有何特点?           



(4)乙图是该小组在某地某日某时段内的杆影轨迹示意图(O为立杆处,虚线为杆影,曲线为杆影端点轨迹)。则图中F、G、H、I四个杆影中最接近日出时段的是    ,该日日出的方位是    ,北半球的季节是     ;当该地杆影最短时,伦敦时间刚好是11时,则该地的经度是    


