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23. The car salesman took the customer for a driver in the new model in order to _____ its improved features.

  A. advocate   B. demonstrate   C. exhibit   D. reveal

 B. demonstrate

demonstrate(=show clearly by giving proof or example)以实物说明,示范,展示 The salesman demonstrated the new personal computer. advocate拥护,提倡。exhibit展览,陈列。reveal揭示,暴露。


22. I caught a _____ of the car before it disappeared around the bend.

  A. glance   B. glimpse   C. glare   D. stare

 B. glimpse

 catch (or get) a glimpse of瞥见(强调行为的结果) I caught a glimpse of her in the crowd. 我在人群中瞥见了他。take a glance (or look) at看一眼(强调行为过程本身)。Take a glance at the Tv programs 瞄一下电视节目


21. Alice _____ her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live with them.

  A. convinced   B. reinforced   C. pledged   D. required

 A. convince

convince sb. +that从句意为"使……相信,说服……"

convince sb of sth; I tried to convince them of his innocence. convince sb to do sth; We convinced him to go by car.

convinced adj Be convinced of/that; I am convinced of his guilt./I am convinced that he is guilty. convincing adj令人信服的

reinforce 加强,增强。pledge发誓,保证.


20. When college students _____ future employment, they often think of status, income, and prestige.

  A. demand   B. assume   C. apply   D. anticipate

D. anticipate.

anticipate vt预料,期望,预望:The first question is one the John has anticipated. (第一个问题是约翰已经预料到的.)

anticipate +n/anticipate that; anticipate doing sth;I anticipated seeing you soon.


19. At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia s waving, but then it _____ his mind that she was trying to tell him something.

  A. crossed   B. passed   C. occurred   D. opened

 A. crossed. cross (enter)one's mind 想起:1)A sudden thought crossed my mind. 2)It never crossed my mind that he might refuse the request. (我从来没有想到他可能会拒绝这个请求。)

如用pass through, 例如:When Jane did not come home by midnight, many terrible fears passed through Mother's mind. (=Mother thought of many things that might have happened to Jane.)

occur的用法如下:1)That view of the case did not occur to me before. (对这个案件的那种看法以前我没有想到过。)2)It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child.(她想到,她可以收养一个无家可归的孩子。)




18. She got married although her parents had not given her their _____.

  A. allowance   B. consent   C. permit   D. appreciation

B. consent.

consent n. 同意,赞成;consent (to) vi.同意,如:consent to a plan(同意一项计划)。allowance津贴。permit执照,许可证 permission n 允许


17. And you find that you're not to be _____ with a position of real responsibility.

  A. offered   B. trusted   C. furnished   D. retained

B. trusted。

trust sb. with sth. 把某事托付给某人 trust sth to sb :I can't trust him with my car.(我不能把我的车托付给他。)本题译文:你认为不会把真正有责任的工作托付给你。


16.The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them _____.

  A. correct   B. perfect   C. right   D. well

C. right。put sth. /sb. right 纠正;治好,使恢复健康:Since man has done so much damage, it is up to man to put the matters right. (既然人类已造成了如此巨大的损害,人类有责任纠正这种状况。)又如:This medicine will soon put you right. (这药很快会使你恢复健康。)其他3个选择均不能与put 构成习语,故不能入选。本题译文:病人相信医生清楚地知道怎样治好他的病。


15. Comrade Li Dazhao, _____ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.

  A. sometimes   B. sometime   C. some time   D. some times

B. sometime. sometime(=former)过去的,以前的:Alice Brown, a sometime pupil of our school, is now a teacher there.


14. We won't know whether it will be successful. We won't know whether there will be good _____.

  A. ends   B. results   C. effects   D. causes

B. results. result意为“由某种活动或某种原因所产生的结果”,如:obtain(=get, attain, gain win, secure)good results(取得好结果),publish the results(公布成绩)。

