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32. 12. ----Did Jack take the doctor’s advice that he _____ in bed for a couple of days?

----If only he _______.

A. lies; does       B. lay; did        C. lie; did      D. lie; had

考查动词用法和虚拟语气。句意:---杰克是否采纳了医生的建议,在家里躺了几天?---要是他真那样做就好了。第一空考查advice的同位语从句,用should+动词原词,should可以省略所以选lie,第二空If only后表示虚拟,与过去事实相反选择had done。


31.  Don’t you think this shirt is too tight ________ the shoulders?

A. across        B. over          C. above      D. through

考查介词的用法。句意:---难道你不觉得这件衬衣肩部太紧了吗?across the shoulders此处表示“从肩的一边到另一边”。over,above指在上方,through常用来指在事物的内部穿过。


30. As their memories decline, some old people tend to be talkative because they ______ forget what has just been said.

A. anxiously    B. particularly    C. easily    D. hardly



29. 12. Meals in Spain are quite different from ____ they have in China.

A. which    B. what    C. that    D. whom



28. 6. She had understood nothing, _____ had she sought to understand.

A. so   B. either   C. nor   D. or



27. The ________ look on her face suggested that she _________ her manager’s idea.

A. confusing; wouldn’t quite understand       B. confused, hadn’t quite understood

C. confusing; hadn’t quite understood        D. confused; shouldn’t quite understand

考查非谓语动词和虚拟语气。the confused look表示“感到困惑的表情”,suggest此处表示“表明”其后需跟陈述语气,只有表示“建议”时其宾语从句中才用should+ 动词原形。


26. When she left the restaurant, she also left the young boy with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person ______ he or she treats the waiter.

A. in a way   B. by the way  C. in any way   D. on the way

考查way短语。句意:当她离开餐馆的时候,她留给了那个年轻人一个生活教训。根据一个人对待服务员的方式你可以看出一个人的内心。tell…by…“通过…来分辨”,the way后接定语从句可以省略引导词that或in which。


25. Space exploration is something that China has done to create jobs in a high-tech industry, to show “______ don't just make cheap clothes”.

A. We   B. You   C. They   D. I



24. The Los Angeles district attorney on Monday charged Michael Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, ______ involuntary manslaughter in connection with the pop icon's death in June.

    A. of  B. for  C. with  D. as

本题考查charge sb. with sth. 洛杉矶地方检察官周一指控迈克尔•杰克逊的私人医生莫瑞在这位流行巨星去年6月猝死事件中犯有过失杀人罪。


23. Hong Kong _______ 31st on a 2009 livability survey of world's 140 cities by Economist magazine, the best performance among nine Chinese cities that edged into the list, the China News Agency citing a news report said.

    A. ranked  B. ranged  C. listed  D. lined


