0  364087  364095  364101  364105  364111  364113  364117  364123  364125  364131  364137  364141  364143  364147  364153  364155  364161  364165  364167  364171  364173  364177  364179  364181  364182  364183  364185  364186  364187  364189  364191  364195  364197  364201  364203  364207  364213  364215  364221  364225  364227  364231  364237  364243  364245  364251  364255  364257  364263  364267  364273  364281  447090 

16. ________confidence and the necessary equipment, they failed to rescue the 42 miners trapped in the coal mine.

   A. Lack of   B. Lacking of   C. Lacking   D. Having lacked


15. ______ many times, he finally understood it.

A Told    B Telling   C Having told    D Having been told


13. It is reported that a province has ______ to form a new state.

   A. broken down    B. broken up    C. broken away    D. broken out

14 The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain______ as the plane was making a landing.

A seat   B seating   C seated    D to be seating


12. Construction workers usually get ______ by the day.

   A. pay     B. paying    C. paid     D. to pay


11. Most of the teachers ______ to visit our school were young ones.

   A. invited    B. to invite     C. being invited     D. had been invited


10. I recognized her ______ I saw her.

   A. for the moment    B. the moment    C. at the moment    D. before


9.  I feel it is your wife who ____ for the spoiled child .

A is to blame  B is going to blame  C is to be blamed  D should blame


8. Only when the war was over ____ return to his hometowns.

A have the soldiers  B the soldiers  C the soldiers did  D did the soldiers


5. We must not    the good traditions passed down from generation.

A. Catch sight of  B. lose the sight of  C. lose sight of  D. catch the sight of

6 The writer ___ his writing so that he forgot to have his lunch.

A absorbed  B was absorbed into  C absorbed into  D was absorbed in

7  The ___ look on his face showed that he hadn’t expected it .

A astonished  B astonishing  C being astonished  D having astonished


4.As you know, the Group of Eight is an organization     the richest countries in the world.

  A is consisted of sisting of  C.cosists of sisted of

