0  364144  364152  364158  364162  364168  364170  364174  364180  364182  364188  364194  364198  364200  364204  364210  364212  364218  364222  364224  364228  364230  364234  364236  364238  364239  364240  364242  364243  364244  364246  364248  364252  364254  364258  364260  364264  364270  364272  364278  364282  364284  364288  364294  364300  364302  364308  364312  364314  364320  364324  364330  364338  447090 

79.Please give my best __________ ___________(祝愿) to your parents. Please _________(向...问好)me to your parents.                 


78.Please turn on the ____________(电) lights, the classroom is too dark.    


77. Smoking is not ___________(允许) here. Smoking is _________(禁止) here.               


76. They usually do their _________(实验)in the chemistry lab or in the physics lab.  



Have you ever asked you why children       76.      

go to school? You’ll probably say that they      77.      

go to learn their native languages and other      78.      

languages, physics, geography, history or all        79.      

the other subject.  That’s quite true, but        80.      

why they learn these things? And are these       81.      

things all what they learn at school?         82.      

There is much in school education than         83.      

just learning knowledge.  We go school, above     84.      

all, to learn how to learn, so that when we’ll      85.      

finish school, we can continue to learn.



75.You must read and understand the ________(说明) before you take the medicine.  


74.It’s too ________(危险)for the kids to play football in the streets. They might be knocked down by the cars.                                                              


73.Our parents wished us a safe _______ (旅行)as we drove away in Toyota.     


72.Among all the subjects we are learning, I like ________(地理)best. I wish I could travel around the world one day.                          


71.The guests were _______ (欢迎)at the gate and shown where to for the dinner party.

