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Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to tell you a piece of excited news:         76.___________

I won first place in the Spoken English Competition of      77.___________

our city . The achievement that I made it is due to your      78.___________

kind help. You spent so much time help me with my spoken    79.___________

English that I made rapid progress, I remember you advice    80.___________

" Speak slowly and clearly. " Thank you very much all your time  81.___________

and advice . I heard that you and your wife will visit       82.___________

our school before long. I'm very glad and look forward to     83.___________

see you. I sent you a telescope as a small gift.          84.___________

Please check the mail and I hope you will like them.       85.___________

                Yours  Li Ming


7. 改错

Dear classmates ,                   Now I’d like to tell you why I learn English.               1.     __

I often read English aloud and try learn something             2.     __

important by hearts , which helps me remember it easily and       3.     __

form the good habit of thinking in English                  4.      __

I listen to a lot and talk with others in English .              5.      __

In this way , I was improved both my hearing                 6.      _

and my spoken English. I keep a diary in English every day but my   7.    ___

spoken English is becoming better and better.                 8.     ___

I also try my best to master the necessary grammar 

knowledge. By this means , I can express itself               9.     ___

in English correct . That’s the way I have been learning          10.     __

English . I hope it will be useful to you .That’s all . Thank you.


105.       Since _____________ (退休 )from the company, she has been doing ________

(志愿)work in her neighbourhood.


104.       ______________ (很显然 ),she is not willing to help us plant trees.


103. An _______________ (有聪明才智的 ) person is someone who has the ability to think, understand and learn things quickly and well.


102.I told him to wait a minute, but he _____________ (误解 ) me and went away.


101.Tom got ____(订婚 )to Lucy, and now he is ______( 忙于 ) in preparing the wedding.


100.Mother often advises me to save some money for _____(将来).She says it's very useful.


99.Quality (质量)is more important than __________(数量).            


98.Germany, France , England and so on are __________ (欧洲)countries.  

