0  364254  364262  364268  364272  364278  364280  364284  364290  364292  364298  364304  364308  364310  364314  364320  364322  364328  364332  364334  364338  364340  364344  364346  364348  364349  364350  364352  364353  364354  364356  364358  364362  364364  364368  364370  364374  364380  364382  364388  364392  364394  364398  364404  364410  364412  364418  364422  364424  364430  364434  364440  364448  447090 

29. -Where is my cell phone? I can find it nowhere.

-You     it stolen while on the bus.

   A. must have               B. should have had

   C. may have had              D. can have


28. While money     , he was determined not to beg for his parents’ help any more.

   A. was run out of                       B. was run out

   C. ran out of               D. run out


27. A new computer,     low cost makes it attractive, is now on the market.

   A. whose       B. which       C. of which      D. from which


26. Jimmy, get dressed    you’ll have to go to school without breakfast.

   A. but        B. so         C. and         D. or


25.The high-tech helmet(头盔),     to the player’s head , makes the computer game more fun.

   A. to attach     B. attached      C. attach       D. attaching


24. After a whole day’s discussion, the two sides finally made a      .

   A. agreement     B. deal        C. prediction     D. judgement


23. The H1N1 virus will spread much faster    people continue to travel as usual.

   A. if         B. unless       C. until       D. in case


22. Receiving a report that the place crashed,      the government took measures.

   A. at no time               B. in no time

   C. at a time                D. of all time


第一节  单项填空(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)


21.Although their new factory building is still under      construction, we have already placed     order for 200 pairs of shoes.

   A. the ; an      B. a; an       C. /; /        D. / ; an

