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41.(    ) -Why didn’t you apologize to her?

-She drove away ______ I could say a word.

A. before  B. after      C. until      D. unless


40.(    ) ____ private cars are bringing us convenience,  they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollution.

A. While   B. As    C. If       D. Since


39.(    ) Luo Jing,_____ broadcasting style lots of Chinese appreciate, died as a result of cancer.

A. whom     B. of whom    C. whose      D. his


38.(    ) Mary is such a lovely girl_____ many of her classmates are willing to help whenever necessary.

A. that     B. what     C. whom     D. as


37.(    ) He is confident,_____ , in my opinion, is the most important in society.

result of cancer.

A. how   B. that     C. what       D. which


36.(    ) -John and Lucia got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?

-No, I _____ a lecture in another city.

A. gave  B. have given   C. had given  D. was giving


35.(    ) This kind of cloth _____ well. I think it is worthy_________.

A. washes; buying           B. is washed; buying

C. washes; to be bought      D. is washed; to be bought


34.(    ) When Madam Curie did the science experiment again, she was more careful where she_____ a mistake.

A. made     B. has made  C. was making  D. had made


33.(    ) Since the beginning of the vacation, I_____ across the country, and my next stop is the Wuyi Mountain.

A. had travelled  B. will travel  C. have been travelling     D.was travelling


32.(    ) Attention, please, everybody! Please stay_____ while I take a photograph of you.               

A. still   B. calm    C. quiet    D. alive

